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Email alias through ProtonPass or DuckDuckGo?

EDIT: Just thanking everyone for the thoughtful responses. Really enjoyed reading everyone's takes here and will definitely think on things moving forward and try various configurations out!

Hi all, interested in your thoughts here. Recently signed up for Proton Unlimited via Black Friday sale mainly for email/VPN/drive. For passwords I've been happy with Bitwarden and DDG for email forwarding (plus you get a address which is just fun).

If you were me would you move over to ProtonPass to streamline, or keep these things broken up? On one hand I don't want all my eggs in one basket, on the other hand I feel like it means I am trusting my info to one Swiss-based org vs Proton + DDG/Bitwarden which are US based. Plus if I am paying for a service I feel a little less like the product in the long term.

Feel pretty ok with both options as my main objective is de-Googling, but interested to hear what has worked well for others. Appreciate any input!

  • I'm a fan of separating services when possible.

    And emails are a huge pain to change, so it might be worth considering an email service with your own domain name.

  • I took advantage of the lifetime protonpass offer for black Friday, since I already had 5 simplelogin emails for that purpose. Very happy now with the unlimited aliases.

  • I was in your exact same boat a year ago, and decided to try both solutions. I ended going with the streamlined one. As you said, you are already paying for the service and Proton Pass is imo a pleasantly nice password manager to use. It is a lot easier to create and delete aliases there than through Bitwarden/DDG, at least that was my experience. Proton pass is now my most used day to day app list and I'm very happy with it.

    While all eggs in one basket isn't great from a security stand point, I am pretty happy with this solution. I do however keep 2fa in separate app, Ente Auth.

  • I use SimpleLogin emails but route them through DDG and works great

  • No. Proton's sketchy business aside, I wouldn't put everything into one basket. Bitwarden also supports a few email aliasing services natively using an API token.