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Turn away from Trump and look to EU for trade, say voters

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Apparently, over 50% of voters think Europe is more important for trade than the US:

Asked 'is Europe or the US more important to the UK' in 'terms of trade', 58 per cent chose Europe and just 34 per cent the States

  • "Voters" don't understand how the intricacies of foreign dependence on the worlds only Superpower work, or that the European bankers and captains of industry will go to every length to protect where the majority of their revenue comes from. So the man on the street will keep calling to ignore the United States under Trump, and the world's economy will continue to jump through hoops to do business with it, because as it's central engine, if you're not doing business with, under the auspices of, or with the tacit approval, you aren't doing business.

    Let's talk in two years, after Trump's had some time to destroy a whole lot of people, and a whole lot of places, that aren't in The United States, and take a tally of who has decided to cut the US off from trade. It's going to be equal parts sobering and disappointing.