The Swiss government says it is barring exports to a Polish military hardware supplier after concluding that some 645,000 rounds of Swiss-made small-caliber ammunition ended up in Ukraine in violation of Swiss law.
Switzerland repeatedly driving home that Swiss weapons are geopolitically worthless and not worth the trouble of adopting. Why buy weapons from someone who might rugpull support for them at any time in order to save their own image?
Yeah, Poland might as well export whatever Swiss arms they currently have to Ukraine . It isn't like Poland is going to buy more Swiss arms that can't be used against against their largest geopolitical threat.
Seriously though, Swiss arms cannot be used in war. What a dumb situation the Swiss put themselves in.
Edit: Perun did a great video on this: Global Arms Exports - Winners, losers & trends in the race to rearm. In these times of global arms shortages, arms export business is booming. With the exception of Russian and Swiss arms (though, Russia's arms are booming in a different way ;p).