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5 years later - Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order

Of all Star Wars games, it’d be tough to discern one that’s been as widely praised as Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, and for the longest time its reign was fairly uncontested beyond classics such as entries in the Star Wars Battlefront series, Star Wars: Republic Commando, or Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. That said, this debate has had greater meat on its bones since Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order introduced Cal Kestis as a fledgling Padawan who witnessed Emperor Palpatine’s Order 66 firsthand when he lost his Jedi Master and fled to Bracca as a refugee in hiding.

Respawn and EA’s Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order capitalizes on several gameplay genres—Soulslike, Metroidvania, platformer, and action-adventure—and melds them into a flavorful cocktail while never abandoning its immersive and unmistakable Star Wars atmosphere. Not since The Force Awakens has a Jedi-related Star Wars story felt as authentic, at least not without relying wholly on fan service. It’s not without its flaws, but Jedi: Fallen Order is a reminder, half a decade later, of how much potential for original storytelling and gripping gameplay still flows within Star Wars’ rich vein.

What are y'all's thoughts on the two games in general? I tried getting into it but just couldn't because the gameplay felt a little too action-y and too much like Uncharted vs Dark Souls or something


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