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  • Do lefties fight everyone including lefties now? I think even lefties rejoice on the ICC arrest warrant, kinda weird calling that "trust ICC blindly".

    And no lol i don't think liberal trust israel blindly, you're mistaken zionist with liberal, even though some of them overlap. It's like calling all lefties tankie. But if that's your intention then sure i guess ¯(ツ)_/¯

    • c/whooosh

    • Have you ... read the text of the meme ? Agreeing with the ICC does not mean trusting it blindly and nowhere in the meme does it say that.

      But liberals do trust institutions blindly ("the cops said so, must be true"). It is a critique of dogmatic worldviews like liberalism and the inconsistencies those inherently have. Yep, not every liberal is a zionist, but most are. Especially where I am from (not US). But this specific meme is not a critique of all zionists, only liberal zionists, which is why it is labelled as it is, because for example conservative zionists don't have this specific inconsistency: They are distrustful of institutions (for mostly stupid reasons) and can therefore easily dismiss the ICC arrest warrant without giving it much thought. Still wrong, but in this specific case internally consistent wrong. But liberals have no way of reconsiling their inconsistent simultaneously held beliefs which is why I have seen many of them lashing out on social media, which was the motivation for the meme.

      • Have you ... read the text of the meme ?

        But this specific meme is not a critique of all zionists, only liberal zionists

        not every liberal is a zionist, but most are. Especially where I am from (not US).

        -trying to talk shit against liberal zionist of their own country

        -tag the wrong group and made no mention of zionist

        -blame the reader for misunderstood

        Ok sure fine you win i give up.