We're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine
And the machine is bleeding to death
2 0 ReplyBut maybe over a few generations, with tangible improvements in each?
1 1 Reply"It's a cheap generosity that promises the future as compensation for the present. "
3 0 ReplyIf tangible improvement is made possible then the people would be in more support of the promise in the future, right?
So not as compensation, but a sample/example that the planned future is possible?
1 0 Reply
Incrementalism doesn't work, and the untold suffering and death caused by it rarely is less than a revolution and it's consequences.
1 0 ReplyIncrementalism towards a revolution, then?
Revolution in Russia had the WW1, China, Cuba, Vietnam etc had anti-colonialism/anti-imperialism.
Revolution would need mass support, right? So the good people need to incrementally increase support among the populace too, right?
1 0 Reply