I'd leave if I could. Unfortunately, I've spent much of my working life in positions that help and support others The whole at need lists of potential careers in other countries may as well not exist.
Fuck me, I guess, and all those like me who are just trying to survive.
Anyone willing to sponsor? Im a dude but I'd be willing to suck a dick if I have to. Gay marriage is legal in EU, no? 😉
/justkidding lol too depressed to even have the will to live... maybe I'll get lucky and become the next #TankMan and get immortalized forever? I'd like a wikipedia page, seems fun.
Frankly, I wouldn't be surprised if developed countries start refusing entry even to educated Americans on general principle. We fucking suck, and we've burned a lot of what little good will we have as a people.
And even if you did get in, you would probably have to deal with that animosity from the locals.
Really depends on where you go. Probably the middle east isn't a good place to be from the US. But most of the EU will accept and love you if you aren't loud and try to learn the language.
I can’t even get a job here, so no country would want to give me a work visa. I’d also assume that no hot foreign singles in my area are willing to real quick get hitched with me and take me to their homeland.