I've used Freemind for a long time, but I'm wondering if there is a recommendation for a more modern version of this? Trying to install on my new PC, it claims me version of Java is old.
Logseq Is Obsidian but FOSS, it has a canvas integrated to it. My only problem is that it has a unique flavour of markdown that it will not work well with any other parsers. On the plus side it has lots of community extensions. I would recommend it if you don't mind the markdown flavour.
I had annotated somewhere an F-Droid app that focused on flowcharts. I'll look it up later and edit this comment pointing to it if you are interested.
Thanks for the suggestion! I like Obsidian and might be willing to try a different one, but I really like that if I choose to stop using this program I have all my files in a readable format that can be interpreted by other programs, so that might be a deal-breaker
For something that I want to be able to easily put away and bring out a week or 2 months later, software definitely has the edge over big pieces of paper. Most the time, I also want to work on several different brainstorming sessions close together. But thanks for the suggestion! And mote looks like it might be good.
I used Xmind for years and absolutely loved it. Its been a few years since I used it, so not sure what its like anymore. The paid version is significantly better than the free version.