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Discord sucks and servers are generally filled unhelpful people.

I've yet to find one I actually enjoyed my time on. I'm better off getting questions answered by just broadcasting in global chat in-game. The dorks and power-moderators of the channels for games are the same types of dweebs who used to lock forum posts asking questions with "lol search function n00b, LOCKED AND BANNED".

  • Discord sucks

    where is the lie

    • The developers, immediately filled with horrified regret at the wretched and fell thing they were to release into the world, tried to warn us all by replacing all promotional materials with ones naming the new service "Discord", but it was all for naught; Irony had by this time been slain many years since, management considered the last minute name change an improvement, someone in marketing took the credit, and users heeded not the warning

  • So far, the only Discord servers I'm on are leftists one. The vibe is good. But ya, the format isn't helpful for trying to get information.