Would you rather be misinformed, disinformed, know a lot, know a little or know nothing?
I would rather know a little, honestly. Because what pisses me off about information today is that I don't really know who's value I am to take and even be skeptical towards. So I'd rather know little.
I have stopped watching the news a few years ago. Occasionally i'll check it if something major happens, otherwise i'll hear the important things through others.
I must admit i am much happier since. So i rather know little :)
I’m doing my best to do exactly what you do. For over a decade I’ve been glued to the news and it leaves me anxious and bitter and wanting to retreat from society. It’s hard. Feels like there’s some sort of dopamine addiction, but for anxiety? I can’t stop looking away from the trainwreck.
I’d rather know nothing. Ignorance is bliss. A lot of people here will disagree and that’s okay.
Learning more has only ever brought me anxiety. I’m not enlightened by knowing how lots of things work. It stresses me out. The big picture it paints isn’t a happy one or one that makes me feel safe or comfortable.
I was happiest when I was a toddler/ young child. I was a miserable teenager and horrific adult. I want to be dumb very dumb.
I was just talking to people about how those who didn't know Biden dropped out of the 2024 Presidential election must have either the hardest life where they have bigger problems, or the easiest life where they tune everything out.
If we don't learn, then WTF are we doing with ourselves. The human existence is the pursuit of knowledge. The only depressing thing here, IMO, is the idea that living out a life as grazing cattle, concerned with nothing more than gorging oneself with the next meal is the only reason to live.
Comfortable? Sure. Self-actualized? Not a chance. There's more to life than living out only the most basic biological needs.
Or you stop navigating. Might mean you will end up living in an environment you do not like, but maybe at that point you don't even know it could be better.
good propaganda makes you skeptical of all sources of information and one of the ultimate goals is you make you distrust the information from the people who are genuinely trying to help make this world a better place just as much information from known enemies.
I don't watch the news, because it's not like you get unbiased facts - it's the entire behavior of the news anchors and the people, and the editing, that creates a form of programming of people's minds.
It's also almost 100% negative. And you can't affect anything.
I guess people watch it because they are scared of not knowing what's going on? I don't need to know what's going on. If I lived in Thailand, I would miss all western news and it wouldn't matter at all. So why not act like I live in Thailand.
Let me know if the news ever help someone feel better about themselves, or how to get better relationships, how to love people more. Because that's what my life is about. And how to have fun. :)
It sort of depends on the topic. Some things I can do nothing about and I find them infuriating, perhaps to know nothing about. But generally speaking, I agree with the OP, not easy to find a reliable source of information despite the amount (or precisely because of the amount).
I would rather be misinformed than disinformed. Either way you have a chance to learn and grow, but at least with misinformation you can come by it honestly. Disinformation is far more grave of an issue
They say ignorance is bliss, so I'd probably be happier to know a little. Unfortunately, I already know more than a little and it's not easy to unlearn, so I guess I'm cursed with awareness now
However, if you only know a little then you're more susceptible to (dis/mis)information. That can have a tremendously negative impact on your quality of life - although I suppose you might not be aware of it
The world would be a better place if we all knew more about it. The only reason why knowledge is cursed is because with knowledge we see how unfairly a few humans treat each other
I'd like to know a lot assuming what I know is facts
The conflicting information is either someone's opinion or just straight up false, if you knew everything you'd know what was real and what was propaganda
I wish I was a gas cloud with a dim awareness beyond mortal comprehension or a little bug that lives on a cactus flower. Something allowed to be ignorant and still fulfil its role in the universe. Unfortunately that wish is evil because we have to climb the chain of being forever.
If it makes you feel any better, on a universal scale we're as insignificant as bugs and I'm sure quite nearly as ignorant.
In the late 1800's someone said that we nearly know all that there is to know, look at what's happened since and I wouldn't be surprised at all if knowledge continued to increase a such a rate.
I completely diagree, the conscious part of the universe is the most important. We also have a terrible responsibility to guard it. We can't give ourselves up to personal satisfaction or serenity while most of humanity suffers. It's gleaming light completely overshadowed by pain.