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  • It's killing me I'll be moved out of this house in a couple weeks and have to leave my friends Klaatu and Chauncy in the ground here.

    I'm overprotective of my cats even in passing. A couple years ago a local utility company was moving their lines and someone was showing me where they would be trenching through my yard.

    "I've got a cat buried right here"

    He chuckled like I was making a joke.

    "No, I'm serious. If that gets desecrated; It will be a bad day for everyone involved."

    They steered clear. (Sorry, I'm just sad rambling now).

  • Never stopped thinking of you, Luna. Thank you for being my best friend for 17 years. Miss you everyday. ♥️

  • Bookee - my best friend, Colonel, Symi, Jackson, Sylvesters, Smokeys, Garfield, Babune, Skeezer, CC...

  • I'm getting stuffed animal versions made of my pets before they pass so I have something to snuggle when I reminisce about them one day.

  • Thats a very ideal picture of a corpse thats been buried in the ground without a coffin that deep. Must have used one hell of an embalmer.

    Also yeah me and the family still miss and talk about the dead pets. You never forget your loved ones and keep the memories alive.