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  • Democrats are the establishment that needs to be laid out to pasture and replaced

  • The Democrats need to fuck off and let us speak for ourselves.

    Sorry, they had their chance. Running culture wars with Nazis doesn't progress the government, it's just wasted time.

    We can't spend another four years pretending lgbtq+ messages trickled in through Disney and mainstream media have any effect on society's opinions towards the left, or society at all, and in some cases, it's all the right thinks of us.

    We need to go back to being the party of unions, workers, fair wages, and the planet, with social justice tagged on for the ride, rather than the main event. The common American doesn't speak trans, or minority, or fairness.

    They speak $. The vote speaks for it. There is no better man to appeal to beyond the bottom line. We know humanity's depths at this point. Work with it.

  • I suggest we all get together and form a party. We can hold it somewhere well known; maybe a waterfront, or harbor. I hear Boston is a nice place. Very patriotic even. We can even have refreshments; maybe a nice tea? Who’s in?