Ignoring the obvious joke, she doesn't display any of Jesus's qualities. Is she gentle, caring, and compassionate? Does she humbly serve the poor and the disadvantaged? Does she forgive her enemies and bless those who oppose her? Does she sacrifice for the benefit of others!?
I'm a Christian and while I don't know for certain, I believe God knows the heart. But I don't expect to see her in Heaven...
Shit like this makes me think she knows exactly what she's doing, and she's trying to position herself as the Sexy Nun archetype. She tries to be good but can't help that the world sexualizes her against her will (wink). She would be ever so grateful to any strong, Christian men who might come to her aid and defend her honor from the lustful satanists.
I wouldn't even expect her to be good at that. She has the same personality as those who are bad at it- arrogant, condescending, etc. The traits that make her a bad person also tend to make bad lovers.
On one hand, God dies not take kindly to charlatans and blowhards. On the other hand, I am of the belief that this life is all there is and shitty people like her are statistically unlikely to get some cosmic comeuppance after death
A lot of the Christians who ban extramarital sex also define sex very narrowly; as such, they say “if you see a nice Christian girl on her knees, she ain’t praying”.
i keep seeing this sort of moral outrage, that's she's some horrible criminal doing lewd acts in public.....are people doing satire? i genuinely cannot tell, i cannot imagine why anyone would care about adults doing mild foreplay in the dark at a theater to the point where they should be criminally charged and we have a whole other big national trial that goes nowhere
i know she sucks and she's a bad person but that doesn't mean i'm rooting for prosecution for getting to 2nd base and vaping