It's okay. We're only running out of time. ALL of us — ALWAYS — hurtling through space at ~30km/s around a fireball that's burned for billions of years, on a spaceship that materialized out of the remanence of exploding fireballs, which materialized out of nothingness.
Believe it or not. A banger shower thought was an inevitability.
We're basically the universe waking up to itself after 13 billion years of a chaos bender and going "What the fuck!?! I'm on a fucking rock? In the middle of fucking nowhere? ... I can't believe I've done this to myself!
I mean this makes sense. It’s not unlike trying to grow your hair long. If one falls out it’s not like the new growth is going to be that long immediately.
So if someone my age dies, it’s not like a new 53 yo dude just pops into existence.
I see "your age" similar to the dating pool. It grows the older you get. When I was young my brother and his friends were incredibly old. But nowadays they are "my age". I mean, my wife was literally born four days after my brother. That alone increased "my age".
And when I look at the other parents I meet at my kid's schools "my age" is an even bigger group. Add hobbies to that and it's off the chart.
The people within your “age bubble” definitely continues to grow until you are roughly in your mid 40s. But then it really does just drop off hard and fast after that. There’s things you can do that also cause it to swing wildly.
Move to Boston - it’s the largest concentration of 20 year olds in the world per capita. Nobody exists over the age of 30 until you are 5 suburbs out of town. So if you are under 30 you just artificially spiked your age bubble up to probably your lifetime peak. If you are over 30 you just prematurely fell off a people my age cliff.
Oh yeah that's true as well. Like it's more accepted when a 60 year old dates a 50 year old than when a 30 year old dates a 20 year old. It's the same gap, but more frequently seen. That's the thing with cumulative numbers!! The more they go up the smaller the ll% difference in
My first date was terrible. First, my date was hard to reach. Couldn't call her up or anything.. as she had no phone... So we had to talk the old fashioned way... face to face.. and even when I talked to her, she would never reply... like she was giving me the cold shoulder or something... I thought it was because she was shy, and I thought she was sweet at first, but when I reached in the bag, I picked her up and took a bite, I found there was a huge nasty pit in the middle. Then I realized she wasn't a she, "she" was just an ordinary date. From now on, I'm sticking to prunes!
People almost always change over time. It’s why divorces happen over “where’s the girl/guy I married”? They don’t exist anymore, they’ve grown and adapted to life around them.
Okay, well, the number of people alive the exact same number of years as you is gonna go down. But that number is arbitrary and doesn’t matter.
The thing is as you get older the difference between you and people younger/older than you gets smaller and smaller. You’ve probably noticed that as you get older you can form relationships more easily with people even years older/younger than yourself.
As you get older, more potential friendships and relationships open up to you, until you’re well into old age.
I had this exact same thought recently and it scared the fuck out of me for some reason. Probably the thought of being forever alone. Then I realized its not that big of a deal but an interesting thought nontheless.
I don't use Facebook but was searching to see if anyone had uploaded a photo I no longer had a copy of from high school. It's only been 20-something years, but the number of obituaries I ran across was surprising. We're all in our early 40s from a small school and the percentage who died seemed high. A couple in war, but medical issues, drugs, and most of all, car crashed.
What's less obvious is the decrease in population growth. People are having less kids which means that at some point there will be more older people than younger people and that the infrastructure will be overbuilt.