The Reckoning (Sam Harris)
The Reckoning (Sam Harris)
Donald Trump has been re-elected President of the United States.
The Reckoning (Sam Harris)
Donald Trump has been re-elected President of the United States.
Articles like this are a waste of a reader’s time.
“it was her failure to have anything like a “Sister Souljah” moment where she could put some distance between her current self and the Kamala Harris of 2019, who seemed to be in lockstep with the far left of the Democratic Party.”
To say that Harris ran as a far left candidate in 2019 or now is to completely ignore her stated or implied positions. I’m not saying being “far left” would have won her the election, but it sure as hell didn’t lose this one.
Yeah. There are quite a few takes here that are classic Sam Harris. People are going to blame the loss due to their pet issue, which is dumb, but here are my pet issues that are not dumb!