My one year old zebra plant
My one year old zebra plant
I found this what I assume to be tradescantia zebrina last winter as a little stem with three leaves laying on the ground. It has turned into one of my favorite plants over the last year!
My one year old zebra plant
I found this what I assume to be tradescantia zebrina last winter as a little stem with three leaves laying on the ground. It has turned into one of my favorite plants over the last year!
Whoa! That's fantastic!
How are you getting it to stand up? Mine droops over the side no matter how I try to support it.
Apologies for being deceiving! Its planter is about a foot and a half off of the table using a stand. It is inside for the winter and I was trying to keep it away from my dogs! Aside from the stems on top standing up about 8 inches, the rest of that is spilling over the side of the planter.
So bushy! Mine has just grown as long spindly strands
I think its a combination of getting a lot of sun outside this summer and me snipping off a strand once it gets to a certain length so that a new one can grow.
I have just got my own stem of 3 leaves in the last few weeks. How exciting to see this timely post. !remindme 1 year
I can't wait to see what it turns out like!
Updated term: Wandering Dude ;)