hardest quote of the war just dropped
hardest quote of the war just dropped
hardest quote of the war just dropped
The attitude toward nuclear weapons displayed by countries that haven't ever nuked anyone are always fun to watch.
The attitude toward wars displayed by countries that have never in living memory fought one on their own soil is frankly terrifying in its stupidity, though.
Get nukin, nuke putin
🎶 make Putin go puking, and baaaaald 🎶
Nuke Putin!
russians have already escalated to chemicals, there should be a UN force in Ukraine by now
UN is nothing but a joke that only cares about Israel defending itself.
They can stay the hell away, they ruin everything they touch.
i kinda fuck with nuclear proliferation.
no offense but i don't think I've ever heard this opinion before, may i ask why
I'm so fucking done with the west leading Ukraine on and giving them a bone when the front is at a breaking point. It's clear that if Ukraine wants to win this war, it won't be on the west's terms. They are in a position where they can only rely on themselves.
This nonsense of a drop of aid after irreplaceable casualties/losses isn't sustainable.
IMO as long as states like Iran aren't getting access to nuclear bombs, it's all kinda fair game at the end of the day. It puts everyone on the same level playing field.
It'd be like going to war against a nation with guns, using swords. You're not going to win, simple as that.
The problem naturally, is that unstable nation states are a unique threat to the global population. As long as they don't have access to nuclear bombs, generally, things should only get more geopolitically stable because the cost of humanity suffering would otherwise outweigh every possible benefit (primarily economic collapse and hardship)
quick edit: most people would argue against this because nukes are big and scary. Most things are, i'm an objective realist and a political nihilist so things like "nukes are big and scary" isn't really a significant consideration for me at the end of the day. And besides, the government could just black van me if they really wanted to. It's not like i'm a significant target.
also, there are arguments to be made surrounding this for fission based nuclear energy, which is kind of nice.
I have never seen a nuclear explosion in person and I hope I never do. I kind of think they SHOULD be treated with reverence.
On the one hand, a lot of people would die really horrible deaths. On the other hand, it would be really funny watching a Fox News host try and deal with a nuclear war on his first day in charge of the DOD
Imagine how Kennedy Jr. would advise us on treating radiation sickness
Wasn't Chernobyl in Ukraine? Are they just okay with having a huge area just be uninhabitable for a few generations?
They're facing genocide. They have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
A total thermonuclear exchange can't even kill humanity itself anymore, and honestly might save it.
Let's do this thing.
We're going to fight global warming with a nuclear winter!
Lemme just double check my home on that site with nuclear blast radius projections, I think I'm okay...
Honestly I don’t give a fuck if I get nuked, but only so long as it lands directly on me. At that point it is definitively not my problem anymore lmao
Nice to see on the fediverse General MacArthur.