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Mom Jailed for Letting 10-Year-Old Walk Alone to Town

"A few days later, DFCS presented Patterson with a "safety plan" for her to sign. It would require her to delegate a "safety person" to be a "knowing participant and guardian" and watch over the children whenever she leaves home. The plan would also require Patterson to download an app onto her son's phone allowing for his location to be monitored. (The day when it will be illegal not to track one's kids is rapidly approaching.)"

  • It was less than a mile to town.

    Literally less than a mile.

    • It absolutely boggles my mind. When I was in 5th grade we rode bikes everywhere without anyone caring outside being home in time to eat and do homework. Less than a mile is visible without effort, possibly even if there are hulls in the way.

      • My grandmother literally used a whistle. I had to stay within hearing distance. Which was pretty loud tbh. We played outside all day though 😋 I didn’t get my first cell phone until 2003 I think. I hate to say it was better back in my day.. because it really wasn’t by many metrics. But by that metric, I think it mattered.

  • Software neutrality MUST become a constitutional right. I will never install your proprietary subcontracted stalkerware garbage and you never never have a right to extort me onto some stalkerware platform of any kind. My device is like my home. I have a right as a citizen in a democracy to lock my doors and bar anyone I choose from entry.

    • Sir, this is a Wendy's

    • Uh... If this were a legitimate abuse scenario (it isn't), they could come check up on your home too.

      There are also things called search warrants.

      • I'm well aware. Child Services is a criminal organisation that should be loathed by everyone. Every agent there is incentivised through commission to exploit the parties involved. They are worse than the police in atrocities and terrorism.

        Forcing someone to use an OS, platform, or app is placing something like Google or Amazon into a position as your judge/cop entering your home. It is more like forcing you to house them and their thousands of stalker business partners to collect data to manipulate and exploit you. It may sound very tin foil hat at first. I understand that people do not keep up with digital progress and change. Think about how often the internet is your primary source of information. There are only 2 web crawlers Google's and Microsoft's. There are no others that are relevant or useful any more. All search engines query one of these two databases either directly or through their API. This is the major massive information bottleneck of concern. If you follow so far, here is the kicker, your search results are not deterministic. Two people searching for the exact same thing on two different devices at the same time, will get different results. The information you see is biased and cherry picked. This is why the data has been collected. That data is a fundamental part of your person. It is bought and sold to manipulate you in the present age. This is a coup against democracy. Back in the first 3 years of primary school you should have learned the 3 pillars of democracy: Legislative, Judicial, and the free Press for a well informed public. There are 6 entities in control of all news media and all are owned by billionaires with anti democratic agendas. The internet is the last refuge of real democracy of any kind. This is the fundamental reason it matters and why free software matters. This is actually the front line of the fight to have any form of free information and democratic right of autonomy. The moment this last refuge is snuffed out, the entire house of cards will fall and the neo dark ages will truly begin. This mirrors the history of feudalism 1:1. Anyone asking you to trust them on this level is looking to enslave you. That is the endgame of this issue. The goal is not to make you a slave in name. The goal is to alter the meaning of the word citizen to cause the term to be functionally interchangeable.

    • Lol

  • If I already didn’t wish to bring kids into this world this would’ve pushed me there. Holy 🤬.

    1. The State requires Adults to be responsible for Children until they are at the end of the age of Legal custody, these ages vary, but it's usually 18 years old
    2. It it very difficult for The State to determine which activities done without Adult supervision are safe for children, I mean, just look at the Catholic Church
    3. The State is a hammer, everything it sees is a nail