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Portland’s ranked-choice debut causes voter engagement to crater; 1 in 5 who cast ballots chose no one for City Council

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Ballot in question:


District 1:

  • How many out of 5 chose a city councilor during the last election when no ranked choice voting was available? If you can't provide that data then shush up.

    • Last election doesn't apply because this is the first election with a new system of government for the city.

      There are 4 districts, the top 3 vote getters in each district get elected.

      • My point being that you cannot blame the lack of voting for city counsilors (by one out of five people) on the new system without comparing it to the old system. Frankly, four out of five voters voting for City council doesn't sound atrocious, and may or may not be perfectly normal for the city of Portland. Heck, without the data we don't know if only three out of five people voted for city council under the old voting system. For all we know this new system actually increased that number. Do you see my point?

  • Having many candidates is one of a few weaknesses of Ranked Choice voting. I only recently switched my preference from RCV to STAR for this reason.

    This is the link that helped me understand the advantages STAR voting has over RCV. Shared to me by a fellow lemminator