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Do y'all have dreams at night?

Regularly smoking friends recently claimed to rarely have intense dreams after weed consumption, can you confirm?

Edit: Thanks for your replies everyone. I hadn't been aware of the impact of THC on sleep, and will take it into account from now on when trying to make responsible consumption choices, as I believe quality of sleep and quality of waking life to be strongly correlated.

  • The more I consume, the less I remember my dreams.

    I recall having ultra vivid dreams when I switched from combustion to vaporization, because I was using less.

  • Yeah. The other night I dreamt I took both my dogs out at the same time (I usually take them one at a time because they act like fools when together) and had the brilliant idea of tying the leashes to my belt loops so I could have my hands free. But then they saw a cat, took off in unison and ripped my pants off.

    I've heard that smoking weed and going to sleep high makes you unable to dream, but I've been smoking since 19 and I've never not dreamed. Might not always remember details, but I remember dreaming.

  • I never remember my dreams, but considering how intense my nightmares used to be, I'm good with that.

  • My dreams tend to be way more intense when I'm stoned, but I have a much harder time remembering them afterwards.

  • I either don't have or don't remember dreams. If I take a break, they're back.

  • I haven't ever noticed a difference from my normal dream habits. I always remember my dreams when I wake up but it slowly fades out unless I focus on what was happening.

    One time though I ate a huge hash cookie and had a dream where I was in a dark tunnel and then there was the brightest light and loudest sound I've ever heard and I woke up in a cold sweat thinking I just saw god lmao

  • I dream less intensely when I fall asleep stoned. It's a feature, not a bug for me. I have naturally weird, sometimes intense dreams. My welbutrin makes it even worse. I can have one extended dream all night, wake up and fall asleep to the same dream. A double dose of delta-9 dampens the dream demons.