C'mon guys I'm not trans, I just can't wait for this life to be over and hopefully I'm a girl next time around... Still cis though
If I could convince myself that rebirth was real, I'd probably be more okay with myself.
Like, yeah I feel pretty bad right now, but I'll be reborn as a nice girl at some point anyway, so no need to rush things ~
Unfortunately I am really bad at gettingyself to believe things.
Because you know this might be the only life you have? Even if you have infinite lives, you'll never get this one back 🧘♀️
Gender is sooo overrated.
Sometimes I drop mine and live a few hours without it
I agree, gender is extremely overrated 🖤🤍💚🤍🖤
I've been enjoying life since starting on estradiol, it's really nice just feeling correct. I've also been working on my voice for over a year, and I'm very happy with it! It's a joy to listen to recordings of it.
Totally means nothing that i don't want my currently attached crotch-fruit. Definitely cis.
The more I look at it, the more it seems like a tumor -
I identify with this image. The way I've always liked to say it is that I'm not unhappy as a man, but I'd probably be happier as a woman. If I had the ability to just snap my fingers and make it happen like some kind of anime magic power then I would. But I don't feel any particular urge to transition.
Even with the magic honestly I'd probably keep my dick because futanari are hot as fuck girl dick is best dick
Same :3
Still sis cis tho
I know this is meant to be mostly a joke but I do know AMAB people who identify as males or demiboys who choose to feminize themselves because they'd prefer a more feminine body, and also on the flip side there are transmasculine people who choose not to take testosterone because they'd prefer to stay feminine (I'm one of those 😜).
I don't really like this kind if thinking, as it reduces gender identity to the body, appearance, and parts we want. A person can be a girl who wants all those things, but a person can also be a boy who wants all those things, or even already has all those things and doesn't want to lose all or most of them.
I'm not trying to deny or invalidate you by any of this by the way, your identity is the way you identify, I'm just saying that we're more than our outward expressions of gender ya know, they don't define who we are.
The scenario in the meme doesn't mean 100% you're trans, but it does mean you should probably seriously consider that possibility. A lot of eggs don't say they're cis because of careful consideration, but because of fear of admitting their true selves.
Obviously you know yourself better than any meme or Internet stranger, and it's ultimately your judgment for yourself.
Exactly the individual knows themselves better than anyone else. I think everyone should question their identity, so they can better understand themselves and what they need to feel happy, but I also know that some people aren't ready for it and just won't do it, and they nee to be allowed to go at their own pace, and if they don't want to, they shouldn't and only do it if and when they are comfortable.