Why do people like this talk down to straight men, while asking for the allegiance? As an older person you young people aren't very nice or accepting to each other.
You see all sorts of posts calling straight guys males, and telling them how awful and dangerous they are, but if you say "female" you're Hitler. No wonder the young guys in the u.s feel hated
I came here to say this. So many use, "cis" as though it's a slur then demand support from the people they are throwing the slur at. I've been an ally my entire life but I've been labeled a transphobe twice over the last several months because I expressed a belief that wasn't a full throated endorsement of the extremist dogma.
EDIT: The downvotes prove my point. Anything other than absolute unquestioning adherance to the totality of the dogmatic belief system is unacceptable. Keep burning those bridges.
Oh I was backing you up cause someone name called you, and got immediately turned around to be a name calling jerk lol. The toxicity spreads. Why are people so offensive to strangers online? Cause we're faceless I guess? Easier to be inhumane and offensive when you can't see the person huh? Real mature
Calling a fascist a fascist is no more name calling than calling a Canadian a Canadian. Calling someone you don't agree with or whose opinion you are trying to devalue a snowflake is childish name calling.
I'm fact, Mike Godwin himself said, "By all means, compare these shitheads to the Nazis, again and again. I'm with you."
I had to have a serious talk as a person of color with my gay sister in law and her wife, after she would casually refer to straight people as "breeders". They couldn't understand why I was connecting that word with racism, even after I explained what it meant in the slave South.
I've rarely seen a tweet or post that begins with "cis men..." That ends in anything but negativity
Acknowledging people are assholes and making them accountable isnt talking down.
Young guys feel hated because for a first time, they are growing up in a society that is no longer tolerateing toxic masculinity and unfortunately many have not grow up with good male role models, so they tend to latch onto peices of shit that teach them to blame all their problems on others and not self relfecting.
By generalising that X people are aholes you are talking down. What is your definition of toxic masculinity ? What would be a good male role model we have around ? iyo
What's crazy to me is that anytime you try and defend CIS people you get downvoted and people assume you're CIS and right wing. I've never in my life have voted for a conservative, and I'm bisexual, but I'm a "liberal!" I'm 2024 if I have an even slightly differing opinion. And liberal means Nazi now apparently? It's wild.
Your country has become super toxic this election cycle. Before it was just the right now it's the left also. Go look at anyone in these threads with a differing opinion even within the left, and they're not just downvoted but there's a lot of name calling, insults, etc. It's really depressing
Ah. Yet another humorless dolt who is offended by a Simpsons joke. It must be tiring for you American authoritarian leftists, being the victims all the time, while you fuck up the world and look down on everyone who doesn't follow your hard view to the letter
Toxic, hateful American bigot. You guys used to come in just the red variety but this election they come in blue! If you're even slightly to the right or left of someone, you're instantly Hitler. I'm far more left than you, I'm just not a fucking baby and I know my duty to stand against fascist.
You guys fuck the world then look down on everyone and moralize. This is why we hate you around the world. I used to hate your right wingers, now I've written of all you toxic, racist, disgusting fools. And yes, even racist leftists now. I've never experienced personal racism against me from the left until this election. You alienated me when you white kids called my native ass Hitler for disagreeing with you.
Liberal is the new insult you kids picked to replace Nazi