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PS2 heads, any ports to PC you recommend?

Given that I'm really enjoying FFXI I was wondering about other games ported from PS2 to PC. A few I know of (need mods to make them good) are MGS2+3 (HD plus GOG release) Onimusha 1 + 3, DMC HD Collection, Biohazard 4, FFX+X-2, FFXII, Dynasty Warriors 4 Hyper, Silent Hill 2,3,4.

Bonus points if it's on gog since I don't have steam and it's easier to pirate off gog.

  • In some cases I think these games are better played on PCSX2, anyway. With improved rendering resolution, save states, and the ability to play on any platform the emulator supports it sometimes just plays better or easier than PC ports.

    • Yeah I've got pcsx2 and my laptop can handle emulating it, just always on the lookout for native ports, especially if fans have worked on them.

      • Biohazard 4

        In this case there is a fan HD texture pack for RE4 which I played through completely last year. RE4 had never looked or played better, IMO. You can also find the base game with the HD assets assembled by fitgirl and dodi, but the project's page is here

  • Okami, Psychonauts, Beyond Good and Evil, Bully/Canis Canem Edit, Shadow of the Colossus, Legacy of Kain series, Soul Nomad & The World Eaters, .hack//G.U.

    Some are remasters, some were released on PC at the same time.

  • It's the same era but not PS2- have you fooled around with Phantasy Star Online Blue Burst (Ephinea private servers) yet?

    Seems like it might vibe with you based on some other posts of yours I've seen here.

    The Katamari games were also ported for just another suggestion and are absolutely worth playing

    • It's the same era but not PS2- have you fooled around with Phantasy Star Online Blue Burst (Ephinea private servers) yet?

      It's on my bucket list of games. I played a lot of PSO single player back on the dreamcast and gamecube.

  • Nana, nanana nanananana Katamari Damacy

    For other unmentioned hits you have Persona 4 Golden, SMT 3 Nocturne, Tomb Raider Legend, Destroy All Humans, and Splinter Cell Chaos Theory (ignore Tom Clancy’s garbage politics and it’s a fun, “grounded” military stealth game alternative to MGS).

    I loved the Ty the Tasmanian Tiger games as a kid and they all got ported to PC but IDK how well they aged, so….