gen Z is not a uniquely reactionary generation nor is it a uniquely revolutionary generation
gen Z is not a uniquely reactionary generation nor is it a uniquely revolutionary generation
it is somewhere in-between
gen Z is not a uniquely reactionary generation nor is it a uniquely revolutionary generation
it is somewhere in-between
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As I said before. Millennials are overreacting and quite frankly getting way too cocky about their generation.
Like year the political polarization between "generations" is going to shrink, but the analysis that Gen Z Men are overwhelmingly Hitler Youth going around is absurd. Like yeah there are young conservatives, but many of their left wingers are more radical than Occupy Wall Street (and even Bernie). Gen Z is going to react differently to material circumstances than did because they have already lived through the destruction of the American Dream or whatever we call it, while Millennials watched it decline.
I do think it should be noted that it does seem like Millennials are more computer literate than Zoomers.
If gen z men do sway 'Hitler youth' its because fucking Steve bannon google and Facebook fucking conspired to flood them with Nazi shit at a vulnerable time in their development, to deliberately create an algorithmic nazification pipeline, and everyone involved needs the kind of bodily experience that involves at least one thing from every aisle of home depot. And quickly, because they're still doing it.
This is not theoretical; researchers have done the 'fresh account' test, its repeatable, and Steve bannon explicitly talks about doing this on purpose with 'gamergate'. They are open about their conspiracy.
Yeah this shit has to be combated asap. Honestly should have been eradicated 10 years ago.
You're right.
10 years ago they started discourse about how "punching nazis is bad, killing leftists is good, actually"
This shit should have been stopped a long time ago, but liberals care more about decorum and defending fascists' right to frozen peaches than they do about combating it.
despite being younger gen Z is gonna run out of steam because every subsequent generation for the last 50ish years ages faster than the one that came before it
I'm a millennial who works IT in a building with A LOT of zoomer workers and I can tell you right now they (anecdotally) have zero idea how computers work lol.
Everything has been made so easy that they simply hit button and it works. I was crawling around on DOS as a kid and had to figure it out for even basic literacy. None required nowadays. I've had people unplug scanners from computers and then not understand that the USB connection wasn't for charging a wireless device. That it needs the cord to transmit data lol that's why you can't remove the cord from the scanner.
Most computer literate generation is xennials and computer literacy declines until you get to computer illiterate boomers and zoomers.
many of their left wingers are more radical than Occupy Wall Street (and even Bernie)
thats an understatement. i have told friends about the maoist reforms and been met with "when can we do that here lol". i can big up Stalin and say that billionaires/CEOs have it coming and get literally 0 pushback. talking to older people about the uhygur bullshit gets me accused of genocide denial or fake news and is always an uphill battle, but people my age take "well obviously the news is saying awful shit about china, its owned by ultrarich americans who have a vested interest in lying to you lmao" as a fairly obvious answer. i've only ever encountered pushback from one zoomer and it was requests for sources from a ex-right-voting centrist at work.
i know my sample is biased by not being in the us and being openly a communist, but i don't think the problem is that the zoomer left (or, imo, the vast majority of zoomers who aren't straight up fash) aren't amenable to socialism, its that we are MASSIVELY disillusioned. no one under 30 in the west has actually been helped by the political establishment. nothing has ever gotten better, and the current projections are that nothing ever will. we're not against the far left or whatever; we're just absolute and utter doomers