Just because I'm going to the kitchen, doesn't mean you're getting fed
Just because I'm going to the kitchen, doesn't mean you're getting fed
Just because I'm going to the kitchen, doesn't mean you're getting fed
One of mom’s neighborhood kitties needs to hear this. Head the crinkle of a chip bag. From outside.
The tortie:
That's exactly what someone preparing a snack would say...
My cat and I play a game where I ask, "Do you want a [word other than treat]?" five or six times before asking if he wants a treat, to teach him that not all questions mean treats are about to be given.
It's insane the force with which he turns his face away from me, as if to say, "Excuse me but I really need to be in the kitchen right now, treats are about to be given," when I ask if he wants a telephone. No matter how many times I tell him he has misheard, he simply does not believe me.
Maybe he has a really important call he wants to make in the kitchen
Had not considered this. The rate at which I'm offering telephones and then withholding them is actually criminal.
Just because you own the cat, doesn't mean you own its thoughts
I mean, how many times do you go to the kitchen and come out with snacks?
Can you really blame the cat for this?
Oh gods, I'm a cat.