Cable storage idea
Cable storage idea
Cable storage idea
I prefer the traditional Rubbermaid 5 gallon black hole of cables.
I see your 5 gallon and raise you a 55 gallon gherkin barrel.
I have a huge black box which is unlabeled, toss it in there and more frequently used cables automatically migrate to the top.
Just put each cable, or set of cables, into a ziplock bag. No more tangle, no twist ties, no need to label.
The organization is nice, but labeled bins isn't really an "idea". Like I had this great idea to add butter to my toast!
That's a lot of space for cables
I use a shoe box with 'empty' toilet rolls for myne, stack the cardboard toilet rolls vertically like a honeycomb and put a coiled cable in each with the ends pointing up so you can see what they are.
Great idea! This is better than my "dump them all in a drawer" system.
Do you glued down the cardboard tubes?
Not who you asked, but if the rolls are glued down, it'll damage the box if you ever have to replace a tube, whereas your can replace a roll once it's worn out if they aren't glued down. Also glue makes it less directly recyclable when replacing them.
What's a firebolt cable?
No idea. I remember there being a firewire cable back in the day though.
Maybe it's supposed to be thunderbolt cable?
I thought combining those two with Frostbolt Cable make it a better cable?
There’s a very popular cheap smartwatch in India called a fire bolt that uses a special proprietary charging cable.
AUX, AUX, baby...
Where's 802.11? /s
Fills the gap between the other boxes
Don't he have any SCART in there ?
These go on sale at Michael's all the time. I like using these for electronic components, very handy to keep little parts organized. Think they're a little tight for most cables, I like plastic shoe boxes for those.
They’re regularly cheaper at Harbor Freight if you have one nearby.