Season 11 Episode 9 - The Prince and the Product
Season 11 Episode 9 - The Prince and the Product
Airing on Hulu (US) or Disney Plus (outside US) - Monday, September 18, 2023 at Eastern Time (ET) 03:00 a.m/ Pacific Time (PT) 12:00 a.m
Season 11 Episode 9 - The Prince and the Product
Airing on Hulu (US) or Disney Plus (outside US) - Monday, September 18, 2023 at Eastern Time (ET) 03:00 a.m/ Pacific Time (PT) 12:00 a.m
What the hell did I just watch ?
I watched half way, got PTSD from season 10 and put on s1e1 and fell asleep. I've liked this season so far, being fan since literally 1999 (holy shit...) but I couldn't make it through this episode. It was Naturama all over again.
I turned it off halfway through. It was completely rubbish. So bad that it's making me want to NOT rewatch classic episodes.
If the writers on this are striking for more money, I can only hope they lose their homes to an AI. That also pleasures their wives, since at least one of them seems to have a fetish for cuckoldry.
What the fuck did I just watch
I came here to say this. What the fuck is going on in this one?
Did anyone else think this episode was supposed to be a dream? The fact that adverts are spread throughout definitely made me think it was (remember ads are beamed into peoples dreams).
Also there were elements shared between the anthology segments, like Fry being unwell, or Bender doing loop-de-loops that make me think it’s a reflection of some real events? Maybe events we’ll see in the season finale?
Curious if anyone else got these vibes. Could just be reading too much into it.
If I had a nickel every time Bender became a car, I'd have 2 nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.
What.... what did I just watch?
The framing plot here was imo definitely a self-aware parody of past episodes where Leela just totally forgets/ignores she and Fry are dating, and through that lens I found it hilarious. The science spell reveal at the end is the perfect absurd capper to it and also makes it clear it wasn't meant to be taken seriously
Science spell really is a good line
My theory here is this episode is 4 mini episodes written by ai.
Usually when they do an anthology or clip show they have some kind of in-universe framing device, but this almost feels like the whole screenplay was ai and they just said fuck it.
I really hope this is the case and they were trying to prove a point in favor of the striking writers... otherwise I may skip the rest of this season. Its been okay, if a bit stale, but this was one was disheartening.
Its been okay, if a bit stale, but this was one was disheartening.
Yeah, I feel the same way. The other episodes were all right, although a bit heavy on the memberberries, but this was just awful.
I haven't seen every episode of Futurama, but I've seen the vast majority, and while more than a few haven't been my kind of humor, this is the first one I've seen that I thought actually sucked.
This season has been so bad. I only watch it in the memory of the show I loved.
Here is my theory. They intentionally make these god-awful episodes so the rest of the episodes would shine against them.
I have no idea why this is what it is.
I'm glad it exists, but confused and slightly scared.
Can’t believe the first season back is already almost done! Any word yet on if it’s been picked up for season 12?
I am simultaneously encouraged about the writers starting to take chances and completely baffled as to why they even bothered with an overall throwaway storyline.
I would also like some actual jokes thrown in. This is outline of an episode that was never punched up in any fashion.
It feels like I'm the only enjoying this season. I think they're doing great job and the episodes really funny! I agree that this one was a weird one and trippy as fuck but it was really original and I caught myself laughing several times. The main story was less good, but I feel like they wanted to put weight on the short ones. Also this is the second time that we see that a character is cheating and it's starting to get annoying. This is the only criticize I have
Only joke i liked was "wheels sold seperatly"
Oh god, the commercials, were so great. Totally going to be my zoom backgrounds this week.
This is why kids shouldn't do drugs. Even adults can't handle them.