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  • Steel your heart friend, it's going to get hard. I'm going to make an active effort to be in politics now to help sway some local folk, but it's going to be hard.

  • There is another election in 2026 which is an opportunity to break up the Republican super majority and some state government control.

    We can try to get more involved in the political process, but beyond that there is very little left to do. We are just going to have to wait and see if it's as bad as we've all feared.

    It's more important now than ever that we take care of ourselves and each other. Together we stand, divided we fall.

    • I'm sorry, but this is it for free and fair elections. Even if we won, they'll just override democracy because they can. I really wish I could say anything else, but liberalism is dead.

      • Maybe. It's hard to say how much of Trump's rhetoric and "agenda" is to rile up his supporters and how much are promises he intends to (and is able to) carry out.

  • Just to be forward, I'm not trans.

    This election isn't the end. Civilians probably aren't going to come after you or anything. You quite possibly will lose access to some forms of Healthcare you are allowed to enjoy now, which is pretty fucked up. You'll also likely be discriminated against in government paperwork, like having to put your birth sex on your drivers license and that sort of thing.

    In the end, you'll probably live. Keep your friends and community close and work to make things as good for each other as you can. Find alternative forms of Healthcare if you need to and can. Keep some hope alive that we can come out of this stronger and more united and turn the tables in two years, or at most four. Don't give up. Don't let them just have a victory. Join local mutual aid groups and whatever else you can do. Keep fighting.

    Remember, as bad as this is, this isn't the first time trans people have been discriminated against. Remember those who came before you and fought to improve things to get to the not perfect but livable status-quo we temporarily had. Don't take it for granted. We can get back to that point again and further.

    • This is the first time trans people have been one of the pillars of a winning candidates platform. They spent $215 million on anti trans ads specifically, or 40% of their entire marketing budget. You don't invest that amount of resources into dehumanizing a minority without having dire intentions. Trans people have been discriminated against before, but not like this.