What's the stupidest rule your school ever enforced?
What's the stupidest rule your school ever enforced?
What's the stupidest rule your school ever enforced?
Back when I was in high school (in public school), chess caught on in a big way. Chess. It was the weirdest thing. It was a public school in a small farming town, and pre-Nerd Renaissance, so picture a stereotypical 80s or 90s school where jocks were top of the food chain--and then picture those same jocks in their letter jackets rushing to the library on their free periods to take turns playing chess. They set up tournaments and kept track of win/loss ratios and talked about chess strategies in the hallways.
So obviously something had to be done...I guess? The school started making rules and posting them around the school: one game per student per day. One game at a time in the lounge. No chess in classrooms or in the library! The chess board must be returned to the lounge supervisor between games, then signed out by the next person wanting to play--not just passed willy-nilly from one student to another! No outside chess boards allowed!
That pretty much strangled the chess fad. The jocks went back to stuffing nerds in lockers and sneaking out to smoke behind the school, and the chess boards returned to the shelf by the lounge supervisor, where they collected dust.
Problem...solved? The whole thing was pretty surreal.
A similar thing happened in my school with a card game called Euchre. Heaven forbid the students enjoy the small amount of time between bells or in a class once their work is complete.
If you're having fun and are aware of it, that's a sin.
Checkmate, chess players!
I yes, we've got a Problem. And that starts with P and that rhymes with C and that stands for CHESS!
Definitely didn’t expect to wander across a Music Man reference in the wild today, love it.
Get some contraband travel chess boards with magnets, doing black market chess moves in bathroom stalls. Great job your school
"Zero tolerance" policy on fighting. Any "active" participation resulted in automatic suspension. That part sounds fine, but active participation included things like holding up your hands in self defense or trying to push the person sitting on your chest while punching you in the face off of you.
I really don't understand why schools have this rule (at least in many places in the US). Are they trying to teach you to not practice self defense and just let it happen? Doesn't sound like a great thing to teach.
Funnily enough it had the opposite effect at my school
"If I'm getting suspended regardless, I'm going to stop it here and now."
Yeah they had to repaint some walls due to blood on a number of occasions. And tear carpet out.
It's was like the fucking thunderdome the moment shit started going down at my school.
Because bad parents. Kids who are bullies usually have parents who are bullies, and even when their kid is the instigator, they will defend their kid and bully teachers and administrators into lifting punishment. Zero tolerance means that discretion is removed and everyone is punished.
The changes in parents the last few decades is why schools are so awful.
Looking at it from the other side, it's actually rare that an innocent kid is beat up without context.
Usually there's 2 kids that have a beef and have been egging each other on for days. Eventually one kid says something and the other kid snaps and makes the first move but the second kid was just as guilty.
If you only look at "who started it" the second kid gets off scot free, while the first kid gets punished. Not really fair.
"Zero tolerance " attempts to fix this by recognizing that both kids likely played a part.
I ran afoul of this.
Someone came up and suckerpunched the absolute fuck out of me from behind, Was someone who I never even interacted with, commented towards, or even thought about. I still think, to this day, he just wanted to look like a bad ass by hitting the biggest kid in the grade.
Because they used a crutch to get around due to a gimpy leg, and because I was over a foot taller, I was deemed the aggressor.. and no amount of witnesses saying otherwise would convince the principle of my innocence. and because the office was so convinced of it, no one in my family believed me either, so no one fought against it. I had to complete a program for "violent" teens before I was allowed to return to school.. a program that was little more than slave labor in the hottest not-summer-break months, where I got accused of being a (gay slur) because only (Gay slur)'s drink their drinks the way I did, apparently. Was a super happy fun time learning experience.
I totally don't still carry the rage and bitterness about it to this day at all. Nope. not at all.
Zero tolerance anything is just lazy and worthless. Only reason to implement is so you don't have to think or acknowledge any nuance. Admin can just shrug their shoulders and go "Sorry nothing I can do. Zero tolerance."
If they are truly zero tolerance then any teacher or security guard who steps in to break up the fight should also be suspended. They participated.
I always told my kid to fight back, and I'd have their back. More parents should be that way. Same way too many kids get beat up in HS because they were afraid to fight back.
In 5th grade they defined every kid that can speak another language as ESL (English as a second language) even if you spoke English perfectly. Then they put all of the ESL kids in a different class on the opposite side of the school. The result was that the school became de facto racially segregated with all Asian and Latino kids on one side and all white kids on the other. It’s not like it served a purpose anyway since none of the teachers could speak anything other than English.
I wonder if segregation was the intention.
That's the only thing that makes any sense
Sadly, that’s sounds very intentional
That's ridiculous, as a father of a future bilingual baby I would raise hell or move schools.
My high school had a rule about the "difficulty" of books you could read. You weren't supposed to read too high "above your grade". I assumed this rule was something with the school library and their Accelerated Reader program.
Nope! Tried to give me ISS because I was reading "Screwjack", which I brought from home. It wasn't even in class! I was a fucking junior. A high school junior should be able to handle Hunter S. Thompson.
According to them it was "college level" and therefore I shouldn't be reading it. My father raised absolute hell in that office. Don't think they tried enforcing that rule again.
They also tried bitching about girls tops until a group of very pissed off redneck fathers had questions about how they were touching the students to measure the width.
I get the fact that reading too high above your grade means you may be way over your head in vocabulary and grammar, but it's not entirely applicable to everyone. I read Pride and Prejudice and one friend said I sounded posh from the language I accidentally started using. So if a high schooler or junior high schooler can handle it, why not?
If a kid is truly over their head with a book, it won't be long until they get bored and quit, unless they're just trying to impress someone and aren't interested in the book itself.
Kids should be allowed to unlimited learning and curiosity, this spark you have as a child is very powerful if you let it happen and nurture it instead of trying to fit all students in an iron cast thinking that you know what's best for them.
The AR Reading program that was popular in the early 2000s was an absolute disaster. It basically killed my love of reading for almost 10 years. They wouldn't let me read books "above my level" based on some BS test that used timed reading. I wasn't dumb, I just sub-vocalized when I read like a lot of people, so I read slowly. Read slow, don't finish the test, grade poor, so "no books for you!" said the school.
They also tried removed
This! This right here! This comment was edited by the mods or a censor bot! I fucking told you guys they were doing it!
I raised hell under a different name for a politically motivated mod changing my comments to agree with them, so I copied all the original comments into a word document and would edit them back to the original after the mod kept changing it, and they banned that username. This is some bullshit, and it needs to fucking stop.
Sorry you have to find out this way, but your home instance is run by the authoritarian fanboys who build Lemmy and engineered a filtering of "slurs" like bit--ching (modifying it for your benefit as people not from lemmy.ml can see the original word) directly into the source code. Vote with your feet against this type of idiocy.
I see the uncensored word.
I don't understand. You are on lemmy.ml, which is an instance that does not display slurs in an effort to create a better social environment. It is totally automatic, and doesn't involve an angry mod manually changing them, because if there really were to be a problem with your post, then the entire post/comment would simply be removed. If you disagree with this, then lemmy.ml isn't for you, but don't worry there are many other instances ou there.
Who put the "removed" there and what word was it before?
Taking a guess, your instance (not the authors) has the profanity filter mentioned in https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy/issues/622 in effect. You can switch instances to avoid it. IIRC, it's disabled by default now (and isn't active on my instance).
Mine doesn't show removed, maybe it got censored:
Nope! Tried to give me ISS because I was reading "Screwjack", which I brought from home. It wasn't even in class! I was a f*cking junior. A high school junior should be able to handle Hunter S. Thompson.
A couple got caught behind the high school. Girl giving the blowie was made to apologize to the school over the PA system and then "encouraged" to go to a different school where she would "fit in better". Boy got no punishment.
Yeah, my high school had a similar issue. There was an "alternative" school that was basically worse in every capacity and every deviant student or pregnant student was "encouraged" to transfer. The wild thing was you would still walk the stage with everyone from the initial high school so graduation day was like 20% people you didn't even know or thought they moved away.
Our alternative school was kind of awesome. Great teachers. They let us smoke outside. Work at your own pace.
At my high school, the administration banned the color and word “fuchsia” (kind of a purple-ish, pink-ish color).
For some reason, the senior class (year 12, the class one year above me at the time) had become obsessed with the color/word. They had taken to wearing fuchsia shirts with the word “fuchsia” on them. On a given day, you’d likely see a few dozen of these shirts roaming the halls with students inside them.
The ban came because, allegedly, somebody had made up a story about a Mexican hooker named “Fuchsia” (because that’s a Spanish name, right?) that was the supposed inspiration of the color craze.
So naturally, the admins banned the color and any mention of the word. Using the word “fuchsia” in any context, or wearing the color in any way was three days in in-school-suspension (during-the-day detention where you sat in a cubicle with literally nothing to do - you weren’t allowed to read, no schoolwork, or anything — just stare at the wall for 8 hours). Second offense was a week out of school suspension. Third meant you failed your year and had to repeat the grade.
So, the seniors started wearing other obscure colors with the name printed on the shirt. “Indigo” “Chartreuse” “Vermillion”. Every single one of these colored shirts had the name of the color, and the words “You can’t ban all the colors” underneath.
It was by far the dumbest ass rule I’d ever seen.
Haha this is amazing and ripe for suing the district for a freedom of speech violation. Surprised it didn’t happen but sounds like the kids were just way smarter than the admins in that case.
Schools are in loco parentis. Essentially they act as parents while children are at school. Children at school are not afforded all the same rights as normal citizens against the government. Like searches and seizures. School officials, in loco parentis, can approve for police to search a students belongings while the student is at school. Even if the student themselves tries to invoke their right to protection for unreasonable searches.
Same with speech, as parents can "ban" words in their homes. Schools can ban and restrict speech as in loco parentis.
Banning words is so idiotic, because I have never seen it working. People will always just find an euphemism, then they ban that euphemism, people come up with another euphemism and the cycle goes on and on.
I wish I could remember the specifics but my high school had an extremely ridiculous dress code policy at one point. Mostly targeting girls, of course, but also had weird shit like “no large/long coats.”
What I do remember perfectly though, is that a friend of mine and I, angrily pouring over the details of the stupid dress code, realized that capes were perfectly fine according to the code as written. So we both got huge capes and that was like a whole year of high school.
Was this in the 2000s? After the Columbine shooting, a lot of schools banned big trench coats and other long jackets because you could have hIdDeN wEaPoNs under them
That was what, twenty-five years ago almost? That's a lot of people who have gone to school with that rule who weren't alive when Columbine happened. It's almost a shame we don't post citations to why rules/regulations were added.
Ahh, yes, of course. Forgot about that. I graduated 2010 so that wasn’t really on my radar at the time.
Another favorite was “no flat billed hats”. I’m realizing now a lot of it had a very “we don’t want gangs. Well, all rappers are gangsters, let’s watch some hip hop music videos and just rule out everything they wear” vibe.
I always thought the no hats rule was really stupid. The teachers enforcing the rule was more distracting from the lesson than someone wearing a hat.
Security guard at the school was out to get me. To this day I have no idea why. He'd let my lowlife friends get away with murder.
Taking me to the dean for wearing a hat, he's talking to another student, wearing a baseball hat. These guys were the same height, not like he missed it.
So after they stopped allowing hats, the assholes were so outsmarted that they resigned themselves to no longer causing any form of shit or harassment?
What country was this??? And how did they enforce it??? Sounds near impossible
Forced to read and write about bible in public school, violating separation of church and state.
I mean, you can be forced to learn about the bible, even its contents, as part of a literature or history class in school.
But I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that probably wasn’t the purpose of what you were put through.
I'm not American, but in my country we straight up just had Religious Education classes as part of school. It sort of technically covered most of the major religions but really it was like 99% just about the bible and Christianity.
Also, it didn't work lol
Our idiot principal for my first two years tried to come up with his own rule that shirts had to be tucked in. The written rule added the caveat "if it was designed to be tucked in". I purposely bought shirts that said they were not intended to be tucked in just so I could be a problem, and then made sure other people know which ones to buy.
My middle school required all shirts to be tucked in and they meant ALL SHIRTS. They went around making kids tuck in sweatshirts. It was dumb. And also racist because it was the 90s and the rule was made in response to baggy clothing being popular especially amongst black kids, so they considered large untucked shirts to be gang related.
On the flipside of that, I'm a teacher and my first school had that rule. The principal came to evaluate Me and I thought the class went great, everyone participated, they were well behaved, everyone on task. Etc. NOPE. WRONG. During the debrief from my evaluation I was correct on all those things, all the things I mentioned went well BUT a student had the back of their shirt untucked. 👕
I was not renewed because "failure to enforce the school rules" fuck that school. Got a new job where not everyone is an idiot 🙃
A private school I used to go to banned Listerine breath strips, the ones you put on your tongue, because too many kids were using them.
Was this like a Monsters Inc. Academy or something?
I wish. I’d have liked it even more. Totally regular school just private. Only there for a few years before moving.
IIRC didn't they have a small amount of alcohol or other chemical that kids would use too many of to purposely get drunk/high? Maybe I'm thinking of something else though
That's true of mouthwash, but that seems impossible with breath strips. Like, both physically and financially impossible.
No jackets. My school was using a wing of a building under construction as additional classrooms and you had to take a bus from the main building. In the winter you could not wear or carry your jacket around prior to your class in this building, so you had to spend your passing time visiting your locker to pick up your jacket and hope you make it to the bus in time to not be late to your class. The school was not small so I was frequently late or didn't wear a jacket.
Wow I can't imagine.... my school was so cold during the winter I wouldn't have made it.
I went to a private religious school and they made a rule that there couldn’t be any PDA (public displays of affection) between opposite sexes. And they ruled that pretty well with an iron fist.
So we took that in the opposite direction, and I don’t think the administration ever saw so much guy on guy slapping of butts, “Hey bigais”, or pecks on the cheek in their lives.
We lost five days due to a hurricane. Rather than adding 5 days to the end of the school year, they added 20 minutes to the end of every day or 5 mins to the end of every class.
No shorts, even when it's really hot and there's no AC.
So some older boys started wearing skirts.
They changed the rule.
My school strictly prohibits vehicle use, and considers all violations a strong offense that is on a three-strikes out rule.
Yes, it includes e-scooters and swan boats.
Yes, it includes whether you are in uniform or not.
Yes, it includes whether you are in school or not.
Yes, even if you are licensed.
Yes, it is enforceable anywhere.
The rule is obnoxiously blanket.
wdym in school or not. How can they regulate what you do in your own time. surely that must be illegal
It is illegal but so far nobody wants to raise an issue with it because it's a school that has a lot of govt officials, diplomats, expats, and businessmen sending their kids there. No one wants to risk stinking their own reputation by raising an issue.
As for "how", apparently if someone accidentally snaps a picture of those kids riding things they shouldn't be, anytime, and a school disciplinary officer sees it, anywhere, he can give out the warning. Has done so a few times actually.
The rationale of the rule is that vehicle operation is something not befitting the image of a student, especially a student at this (supposedly) prestigious school.
Suffice to say the damn rule made me apprehensive of riding in a friend's car for a while, and of the idea of getting my own license when I became of age.
When I decided to ask the school about the apprppriateness and legality of the rule (as an alumnus), they said "we are disappointed in you. You were a great student. We did not expect you to become someone who tries to force us to change our ways of life." That said, unless you grow up to become a nationalist or a right-winger, you are a disappointment to them, so maybe even without this vehicle use thing I'm still a disppointment to them anyway.
This story sounds absurd but yes it is supposed to be this absurd.
I still pass by this school many times as it's on my way to work. I wish I could tell those kids and new parents who might not be aware of "the system" something they should know ...
Swan boats? Like that?!? At a school? Lol
As the rule is blanket, you can ride one maybe in your school uniform but on a Saturday (maybe after you're done with cram school -- some crams ask you to wear your uniform because it's how they improve their reputation by recording live sessions with students from many good schools). If that happens and the disciplinary officer knows, you're given a strike.
gender-based dress codes, especially haircuts and earrings. WGAF.
No D&D in the halls during recess like seriously? Gotta love the "everything I don't like is witchcraft" period of the 90s
Not sure if it was a rule since I think it was temporary but putting a whole year level in detention because a few students from that year level broke the rule, that really passed me off even though my year level wasn't being punished for anything
This school didn't care about students at all with teachers stereotyping and playing favouritism
ah yes, the blanket blame everyone 'solution'. why bother putting in the effort to get down to the root of the problem when punishing everyone is that much easier!
I don't understand, the school wanted empty trash cans before EVERY class?? Why?
Probably some contraband policy, they don't want dead drops between classes.
It's not enforced by my schools, but when I was little, speaking local languages at school was forbidden. It's getting better now, but at that time, only the official language was allowed.
Another rule was boys weren't allowed to wear longer hairs. If the hairline was below the ears, they would be asked to cut it shorter. From time to time, boys from my class were forced to cut their hair during classes with the company of a teacher.
No listening to music during breaks. If you were caught with headphones on you without even using them, you could face punishment.
We weren't allowed to wear shirts with text on them. Didn't matter what they said; there could be no words of any kind on your clothes. It was some old ass rule that was still in the charter for the school or something from like 50 years ago, and one of those things most people just wouldn't enforce. My school enforced it, though. Fuckin VP would be out front every day turning every kid he saw with text on their clothes back home to change.
Everyone should have started wearing pants with a ton of text on it.
"Juicy" across the ass.
My school had a semi-loose dress code. Polos and button ups and the like. Also hoodies were allowed but what kind was usually based on the person who saw you in it. The one thing that never made sense to me was that girls couldnt show their shoulders. Wasnt an issue with guys, hell in weight training class guys and girls could wear tank tops. But anywhere else, even when school was out, the smallest amount of shoulder could get a girl wrote up. Even as a guy, this shit made no sense. It wasnt like some guy was gonna get aroused by a little shoulder so it didnt make much sense to play that “distracting guys” argument. And almost every teacher enforced this. My friend went on a long winded rant about it to me while waiting on the bus and ever since then its been confusing.
At my high school, we basically had no enforcement of the dress code except for one incident. For context, everyone wore hats, crop tops, shorts, and stuff kinda like Euphoria. Certain teachers and administrators would ask you to take off your hat, but I haven't heard anyone get dress coded until senior year.
My school had a small trend where the senior guys would wear crop tops which lasted a few days until we heard that they banned guys wearing crop tops to school and dress coded one of the guys wearing them. Keep in mind, the girls could and did wear crop tops and no one dress coded them. Kinda ironic considering that the majority of dress code enforcement is towards girls, but the only time someone got dress coded (to my knowledge) in my four years of high school, it was a guy.
The dumbest rule that fortunately was only "tried" to be enforced was no gun racks in the student vehicles in the parking lot. This is was a rural area where for almost a hundred years people would have guns in the gun-racks in their trucks mostly. But with fire arm thefts etc it was pretty rare to actually have a gun loaded or unloaded in the gun-rack. Generally you'd just have the gun in the rack if you were hunting, or patrolling your ranch or whatever.
Then Columbine happened and suddenly gun-racks and leather trench coats, aka dusters, another extremely common piece of clothing in a rural ranching town were priority number one by reactionary's. Hundreds of otherwise lawful students were suspended, ticketed, arrested etc and finally after several months I assume someone had a "are we the baddies?" moment, and coupled with hundreds of lawsuits, the school system got a new superintendent and suddenly gun racks and dusters were back to being treated as the mundane items they are.
I guarantee you there was never a "are we the baddies" moment, because that requires critical thinking and self reflection.
It was entirely because of lawsuits.
But with fire arm thefts etc it was pretty rare to actually have a gun loaded or unloaded in the gun-rack.
So what you're saying is, people did - rarely - leave guns unattended in a car? Students no less?And that is legal? Murica gets more absurd every time I read about it.
Under no circumstances in the wrold would I leave my unsecured guns in a car.
I mean generally I agree with you, but much like you have your phone with you constantly, you will sometimes leave it somewhere you normally wouldn't accidentally. So if you've had the gun in your truck all day, you may just leave it in the rack once in a while. As for "students" yea, it would be pretty weird to grow up in that area and not be very familiar with firearms. It would be like being amazed and surprised that most students had been driving since they were 14, or were riding horses at 8. It's pretty mundane.
Not a rule, but some stupid thing that was allowed to slip by for way too long.
My highschool's firewall would often block the most innocuous websites, but that somehow did not include Pornhub. While they did eventually add it in, by that point it had been a known thing for years with even multiple cases of students going on it during classes.
My school had the same thing. In fifth grade I had to give a presentation about computer viruses, but the firewall even blocked the standard Wikipedia article for it. Porn however? No problem!
No bottle flips.
I made up a monster called dogger that lived at the end of the field in my primary school.
His arms and legs were made of rats if I recall correctly.
Ross got so upset that we were banned from saying that word.
We had very few rules in high school until a new principal came in during my senior year. We didn't even have attendance, as the school believed that it was the students' responsibility to succeed and graduate (it was a laboratory school, basically part of a college, so it was weird. It was K-12, and I graduated in a class of 25.).
This new principal comes in and lays down new rule after new rule, most were either ignored or caused enough uproar from tenured faculty and parents that he caved. For some reason, one day, he walks through the hallway and cleans out all the lockers, as well as picking up the unattended backpacks left on the floor. He takes ALL schoolbooks, notebooks, supplies, and electronics. Amazingly, he left some lockers alone, deaming them organized enough to satisfy him. They all belonged to his daughter and her friend group.
Then he takes all this stuff into his office, and proceeds to charge students $50 each to get school issued books back. He keeps all other supplies and electronics, announcing that he will have a sale at the end of the year to raise money for school athletics (which, being an extension of the college, had shitloads of cash to play with).
The University Police department showed up and were ready to arrest him for theft. It took nearly a week to redistribute everything, and he ended up in front of a local judge who was the father of a student.
Then he abruptly ended music, theatre, art, and home econ. classes by locking the rooms and firing the staff by posting signs that these were a waste and unnecessary strain on the school budget. All of the teachers were tenured through, and the classes and programs paid for by a combination of parent donations and a hefty amount of money from the university, which is well known for its communications, theatre, teaching college, and school of music (these are the programs that sell the university nationwide).
At the end of the year, during commencement, the University president made a speech that basically dressed down the principal publically, and then he announced that the principal was not taking part in the ceremony, and should go home as he would not be returning next term. The principal was in his robes, sitting on the stage, and waiting to hand out diplomas while this happened. The entire gathering of parents and students cheered.
And that's how a principal who thought he was going to be adored for "cleaning up" a school for the gifted like he was trying to run a drug riddled, inner city, school in the middle of Chicago, instead of school basically run by the students in a mid-sized University town surrounded by corn fields in Indiana.
My middle school banned Pokemon back in the early 2000s. It probably would have worked out for them if they didn't try to escalate things too far though.
Like at first you could bring a gameboy or the trading cards and play during recess. First they banned gameboys, then they banned the cards, and eventually we literally weren't allowed to say "Pokemon" or we'd get in trouble. I don't think they ever unbanned gameboys, but I think it took less than a year for them to walk everything else back and soon enough everyone was playing the TCG at recess again.
My school only allowed us to use 5MB of internet per day, even though their connection was essentially an unlimited T1 line (1.544Mbps). This was around 20 years ago when a lot of people in Australia still had dial-up.
wdym in school or not. How can they regulate what you do in your own time. surely that must be illegal
Not being allowed to sit on the ground. ..of girls wearing tanktops.
Seems that clothes were the problem. Go nude, no more distracting boys. 100% win
Colorful shoelaces?!
It wasn’t even a rule, but somehow I got lunch detention for losing a copy of The Two Towers with my name written in the front and not realizing they’d found it and had it in the lost and found. This was the same middle school that only had windows in the science classrooms (because that was legally required).