Snippet to add a highlighted border around the active / focused pane
Snippet to add a highlighted border around the active / focused pane GitHub - deathau/Notation-for-Obsidian: A theme for Obsidian, inspired by and borrowing elements from Notion
A theme for Obsidian, inspired by and borrowing elements from Notion - GitHub - deathau/Notation-for-Obsidian: A theme for Obsidian, inspired by and borrowing elements from Notion
Taken directly from Deathau's Notation theme.
I could not find this key feature anywhere else but noticed it was implemented in Deathau's theme so I ripped it straight from there and can confirm it works great!
A must have feature if you are constantly switching focus and need to find which pane is currently active.
Just copy the below into a snippet file:
/* 7.2. Active pane border */ /* Notion doesn't have multiple panes. And with the header modifications above, how do you tell which pane is active? I'm just putting a border around the active pane for now (unless there's only one pane) */ .workspace-leaf.mod-active { border: 1px solid var(--interactive-accent); } .workspace-leaf:not(.mod-active), .workspace>.workspace-split>.workspace-leaf:first-of-type:last-of-type { border: 1px solid transparent; }