What decade did you learn to draw this S?
What decade did you learn to draw this S?
What decade did you learn to draw this S?
90s! It was scribbled all over our folders and binders. The super long ones were art.
2000s i think
I also always tried to create more letters in the same style but could never figure any out. I am not very artistic I think
Neither am I but learned it in the 90's. This S, apparently, has a long history if you feel like jumping down a google rabbit hole.
This video is a good starter though: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQdxHi4_Pvc
I never learned it, even though all my classmates did (2000s) 😅
Late 80s
Early 2000's
Memes aside I am curious what the first recorded instance of this is.
I bet there is one fighting a snail in some medieval script from 1000 years ago.
Early '90s.
90s. Late 90s, as I was in middle school.
I learned in the 2010s I think.
Late 70's.
That would have been 1992-1996 somewhere in there.
Learned? Funnily enough, yesterday. But I first saw it probably late kindergarden or at the latest in early primary school, in the second half of the 90s.