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  • Lol I really doubt that.

    • I wouldn't be surprised if it's technically true but it's more like, coder starts writing out a line of code, AI autocompletes the rest of the line, and then the coder has to revise and usually edit it. And the amount of code by character count that the AI autocompleted is 25% of all new code. Like same shit as Github's CoPilot that came out years ago, nothing special at all

      None of that 25% of AI generated code wasn't very heavily initiated and carefully crafted by humans every single time to ensure it actually works

      It's such a purposeful misrepresentation of labour (even though the coders themselves all want to automate away and exploit the rest of the working class too)

      • coder starts writing out a line of code, AI autocompletes the rest of the line, and then the coder has to revise and usually edit it. And the amount of code by character count that the AI autocompleted is 25% of all new code.

        When you dig past the clickbait articles and find out what he actually said, you're correct. He's jerking himself off about how good his company's internal autocomplete is.

      • I assume that's what it is as well. I'm guessing there's also a lot of boilerplate stuff and they're counting line counts inflated by pointless comments, and function comment templates that usually have to get fully rewritten.

  • I write minified JavaScript and the AI pretty-prints it with 8-space indentation. That’s well over 25% by weight.

  • In what kind of workflow? Because if I start typing, my copilot generates 20 lines, and I edit that 20 lines down to 5 that will compile and bear little resemblance to what was generated, I feel like that should count as 0 AI lines, but I have a feeling it counts for more.

  • We're also using AI internally to improve our coding processes, which is boosting productivity and efficiency. Today, more than a quarter of all new code at Google is generated by AI, then reviewed and accepted by engineers. This helps our engineers do more and move faster.

    When text editors automatically create templates for boilerplate, that's AI.
