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Is there another nation's equivalent to "What would the Founding Fathers think" or is that just a purely American thing?

Does any nation on earth sincerely ask itself what some guy from 250 years ago would think about said country's modern state or is that only a thing that Americans do? Is there any other equivalent?

  • Hmm, in Argentina there's maybe a liiitle bit of that with José de San Martín (the biggest national hero from independence time nicknamed "Padre de la Patria"), but the thing is, José hated with passion the spineless compradores that actually got to rule this country during his time. So when dipshits mention San Martin they usually ignore or misrepresent his political ideals and simply cite him cuz he's the national hero.

    Btw, the military governments from 20th century which cemented San Martin image as the "padre de la patria" would have been utterly detested by him. A classic case of

  • I don't think so, sounds like american civil religion brainworms. Just a slightly more secular version of "what would Jesus think?"

  • It's American only. Same thing with citing the constitution or amendments at every opportunity. Does my country have a consistution? I've honestly no idea. Maybe it does, but I've no clue what it would say.

    Instead we have laws and laws can change.