Oh fuck no
Oh fuck no
Oh fuck no
Every time a swear word is censored on the internet, a cat video gets a million views, or something like that.
We've gone all the way around so now censoring a swear makes people more upset than actually saying it and I really don't understand why.
Year 2000
Say 'fuck'
People get irrationally mad
Year 2024
Say 'fxck'
People get irrationally mad
What happened?
In adult-facing parts of the internet, including here, swears are typically used for an extra bit of "oomph" to spice up a sentence or make a point clear. (I know that there's an actual word for this but I can't think of it currently.) It's generally considered neutering that spice if you censor it; case in point is this meme. It just tends to look childish or dumb, especially if the word is just vaguely censored like this meme here again. At least Grawlixes ("$#@&!") have some mystery as to the word being said.
I don't remember people being offended by the word fuck in 2000. Sure on TV it could be considered dicey but on the internet it was pretty fair game
If you want to make a post without swear words, just do it. Using a swear word and then censoring it completely defeats the purpose
tbf the cats deserve it
I'm pretty certain it's done just to get comments like yours, the same as deliberately misspelling and rage bait. Everything for more comments, clicks, interaction etc.
that censoring...
Is the krabby patty actually any different than a Wendy's single? It looks the exact same on the menu and is the same price
The difference is the salsa secreta.
dame el fuente de este arte lujurioso
Is this a real thing? If so is it meat based? Don't ask me why I know this but in SpongeBob lore the Krabby Patty is actually plant based.
Yes, it appears to be meat
So it's not a jumbo-lump crab burger? :(
You can almost read the word f*** is no one thinking of the americans here? What the fuck?
This is a TickTock scourge.
Censoring swear words on text posts have been around long before TikTok, they just kicked it into overdrive. I really can't think of a reason why the censored version of memes get spread more than uncensored except to think that there are a dedicated group of people who pick up memes like this and spread the censored version before the uncensored version hits.
It makes some sort of sense for videos. TikTok and YouTube demonetized and suppress videos with swear words in them. And those platforms can make people money. I don't see why a text post would be censored, I don't know of many ways to make a lot of money off of reposting memes and even the few I could think of don't really care if they're censored.
don't mentally read in Plankton's voice: challenge level: impossible
This is Lemmy, you can say bad words here.
My reaction on seeing this was to wonder about the Wendy's Nasty Patty (tm).
He still doesn't know what's in the secret sauce though.
Same as literally every "secret sauce"
It's just thousand island dressing
It literally is just peppery thousand island dressing. Also, the ingredients are on the side of the box the sauce ships in so it's not even secret to the employees lmao
I've eaten it. It's basically a slighty jazzed-up Dave's single burger with a sauce I'll call "interesting" instead of having their normal ketchup/mustard/mayo (personally hate mayo on burgers). It's tangy with a little spice/zest (cayenne?) and I didn't think it was great. Interesting novelty, but I won't be having it again.