Apple put the Magic Mouse’s charging port on the bottom again
Apple put the Magic Mouse’s charging port on the bottom again

Apple put the Magic Mouse’s charging port on the bottom again

Apple put the Magic Mouse’s charging port on the bottom again
Apple put the Magic Mouse’s charging port on the bottom again
First time, people thought it was an innocent design mistake. An oversight ona minor product.
Next update, OK still there, but maybe it was a leftover from the original design.
This time. No, it's intentional. You deserve all the mocking heading your way.
The charging port is one thing. What’s worse to me is that it’s just a shit mouse.
Had to use one for two days recently; my wrist started hurting like hell. It lacks basic ergonomics and the scrolling is horrendous.
no no literally every other mouse manufacturer has got the shape of human hands wrong. you're probably holding it the wrong way. your hand has a design flaw.
—average fanboy
Yea. The charging port isn’t as huge a deal as people make it out to be. In the time it takes to get a cup of coffee, the mouse will charge enough to last the rest of the day. It’s just a really unergonomic mouse. Get a Logitech MX Master instead. Your wrist will thank you.
If only they made one for left-handed people
As an MX3 owner, I can confirm.
Amazingly it's not even the worst mouse they've ever made
Would that be the "puck mouse?"
Lol idiots.
Make a wireless mousepad to charge it and it will not need the USB port. And it will cost 3 times as much. Let the pad charge an iPhone too. It would be perfect.
A mousepad? From Apple? Didn't you know that all MacBook users use them exclusively inside a trendy coffee shop or on the couch? There's no place for a mousepad!
the mouse isn't for MacBooks…
I've got the logitech one that does this and it's amazing. Love it.
The problem they have is that they already used iPad so they are probably waiting until that product is dead before recycling the name.
I had something kinda like this from Corsair. Though it only had a small spot in a corner where you would place your phone/mouse.
Apple doesn't innovate any longer, though. So no... It's not perfect for them.
Sounds like they want you to buy 2
It's literally the basis for any decision they make.
Put it on the bottom or left it there?
There’s no good looking option on the top/side if you’re Apple and care about aesthetics.
Wireless charging? At this point they should just commit.
The keyboard and mouse should both charge by sticking to the rear of the iMac with a big magnet, that would be pretty neat and tidy when you want them out of the way and make it easier to transport too.
I have one of those for the original roach mouse. It it was awful.
They could do qui2 and that wouldn't be awful charging wise, but now the puck is gonna stick to your mouse. You can't really wireless charge your mouse and move it. You could make a mouse pad with 500 charge coils but then you'd just try to make Apple's failed AirPower. It might be enough for a mouse, but it's gonna be stupid expensive and stupid inefficient. Logitech has their G power system but that's $120 without a mouse.
Not as bad as the hockey puck mouse, but pretty damn close.
Oh my god that horrendous thing. I fucking hated those...
Also, why no right click‽
So usbc was the only change? 🤨
Don't forget you can get it in purple
The last 3 web marketing startups are exclusively MacOS. I had to get all of them to let me use a PC as an exception because the mass majority of our web visitors use PCs and we are not able to QA correctly because everyone at the company uses a Mac.
I tried to use the MacOS. There seems like there is an intentional input lag. It's slight but it just feels slower. I have a Samsung Odyssey OLED 49 ultra wide and it restricts my fps to 120 when it's able to do 240hz.
It won't let me plug in 3 monitors. And even with just 2 connected, when I'm working on a secondary screen it blurs my clock on the primary screen. But wwwwwhhhhhhyyyyyyy.....?!?!?! What's the fucking point?!?! Why do people insist on using Mac's?!?! This OS is terrible.
I tried to use the MacOS. There seems like there is an intentional input lag. It’s slight but it just feels slower.
Go into the mouse settings increase the tracking speed. It's the first thing I do on every Mac because otherwise it feels slow.
It won’t let me plug in 3 monitors. And even with just 2 connected, when I’m working on a secondary screen it blurs my clock on the primary screen.
I've got three monitors on my Mac right now and none of the menu bars are blurred out. I don't know what you're doing wrong here.
It's not really the tracking speed but there is sort of a smoothing thing turned on. Just seems less crisp when moving the mouse around.
It won't let me plug in 2 external monitors. Just 1 extra one. Probably have an older Mac.
Maybe they need to be using a higher tier chip to support a monitor that big at that refresh rate? Like Apple treats it as two external monitors under the hood or something so they need to be on a Pro or Max chip?
Is there a reason you're coding with 240fps
I code in 240fps because I can afford it. But for some reason Apple prohibits it unless I buy their monitor.
Why not?
His display is cabable of it, so why not use it to its full potential?
Additionally, he can see web animations better and make sure they are buttery smooth on different refresh rates.
Do they need a reason?
Magic mouse is the least ergonomic mouse I can think of.
Get a vertical mouse y'all.
Vertical mouse was one of the best things for me, got them at home and work.
I use a wireless mouse from Logitech for work (and so does a lot of my coworkers), and never in its ~5 years of use did I use the mouse plugged in.
The device gives multiple low battery warnings well in advance. I just plug it in before logging off after I receive the second or third warning.
I acknowledge Apple’s obtuseness of choosing form over function with the Magic Mouse (among other devices across their catalogue), but anyone who has used a wireless mouse daily would know that it is not as big of a deal as the media and community makes it out to be every time a discussion takes place about the Magic Mouse.
I mean while we're sharing anecdotes, I use a wireless Logitech mouse and I plug it in and continue using it when I get a low battery warning. I can't charge it overnight because I plug it into my monitor's USB port which powers down when the monitor sleeps.
We exist! Lol
Congratulations for existing and for missing the point of my comment.
Regardless of your choice of wireless mouse and how you use it, do have a USB port free which is not locked to your monitor, and is preferably connected to a charger. What if your phone needs a charge while you are at your desk but are not using your monitor?
"yOuRe hOLdInG iT WrONg" apple users will jump through any hoop to forgive apple shitting on them. I never plug my mouse in from a low battery warning, why would I when I can just plug it in and use it corded when it dies?
You may desperately twist words and infer more than what is written in my comment, and lose your cool, or understand that this is not as big of a deal as the discourse may lead one to believe.
There are options for everyone.
I use a wireless Logitech mouse daily for work.
I have a mental disorder. I can easily forget to bring a cable with me so the battery will get much lower than the 10% low battery threshold. I can then KEEP FORGETTING to charge it. When I'm finally with a cable, it's nice to be able to use it plugged in.
I think this whole situation shouldn't be a WHY question, but a WHY NOT?
There is no low battery warning with the magic mouse. it will just shut down. This is an immense usability issue to the point that I had two on standby at work because the fucking things will just STOP working. This is a major design flaw and classic Apple—they have no direction in their product creation and haven’t since Steve Jobs died.
edit: apparently there is a warning but the fact remains it is a horribly designed product.
Is this true? I don’t use a Magic Mouse but my Magic Trackpad and Apple wireless keyboard both give low battery warnings.
I don’t use the Magic Mouse because I think it’s uncomfortable, but I get notifications with my Apple keyboard and Logitech mouse, and there are native battery widgets in the control center that show for all of them (including non-Apple devices like my mouse and headphones). I find it very hard to believe that the Magic Mouse is unique and refuses to let people know its charge state.
Whether or not that notification pops up and disappears while I’m not using the computer is another story, but I’m pretty sure those notifications can be changed to stay on-screen until they’re dismissed.
There is no low battery warning with the magic mouse.
Yes there is.
All of my wireless mice are Logitech. I have never used one while it’s plugged in.
"I use it one way, so everybody must use it that way." Found the apple engineer lol
Neither have I because they all take replaceable AA sized batteries and last literally months between changes or charges (if you get rechargeable AAs). Seems a much more robust design from my POV
I think it's because they don't want you to just keep it plugged in?
If this is the reason, it's very disappointing. They designed the mouse; they can make it smart enough to stop charging itself while still plugged in... Or is it because they want THEIR mouse on your desk to look 'clean' as often as possible?
apple is such a weirdo fucking company. just weird little gremlins scuttling about.
Dumbasses gonna dumbass
It was never a problem for me. I don’t use my mouse 24 hours a day and the battery lasts a month.
Hey look I understand the annoyance but maybe apple is protecting consumers. Im no expert on this but have heard in tje past that its not good for the battery to use a device while its battery is charging.
Yet I do this with chromebook often and the device two years later works like new. But that's a Chromebook with an on average, bigger battery then most low cost phones/mouee.
I'm told they did this to force people to use it wirelessly so they'd be impressed by it. Like for brand protection. No proof so could be made up
Modern devices have little logic chips determining how and when they charge. If it's bad for the battery to keep charging when full it's trivial to design it to just, not.
Maybe the batteries Apple uses are dangerous that way. I've been using a Logitech wireless mouse for years where when it runs low I plug it in to the front (like where a conventional mouse cord would be) and keep using it until it charges up, then it's good for a few weeks. Sometimes doing something different just to be different isn't a good reason.
not good for the battery to use a device while its battery is charging.
Maybe because of the additional heat generation, but other than that there's no real reason issue with doing this. Even the heat generation is a non-issue for a mouse.
Unless Apple still using technology from the 80's, I don't see any problem with it
it's not difficult to just make the device run directly from the charger while it's plugged in, a sensible product should benefit from always being plugged in.
The complaints about this are ridiculous. Charge it before the battery runs out. It only takes like an hour to charge anyway. This has never been a problem for me and all of the years this has been out. 15 minutes will give you enough charge for an entire day’s worth of work.
Just plug it in and go get some coffee for goodness sake.
This is such a great comment exemplifying the Stockholm syndrome of apple users.
Let me just not use my mouse for an hour because of a ridiculous design choice.
No no, because it's FINE that I have unique obstacles no other tech user has. It's actually a bonding experience that only other Apple users can laugh about. /S
Plug it in and go to the bathroom and you have almost a full days of charge. It’s really not that much of an issue as the people who don’t use them seem to think it is.
It definitely reflects something funny about apple’s methods. They decide how you will use their products, full stop. Sometimes that’s welcome, other times I find it silly.
Also, when in doubt, they decide in favour of branding and appearance over function.
Well, there’s no debating that. Apple has always had the philosophy that they decide how you’re supposed to use their devices, and that’s why they’re designed the way they are. Some people hate that, some people like it.
If there was a valid reason for why they couldn't put the port on the side, maybe I'd agree. But literally the only reason the port is on the bottom is some designer at Apple decided they did not want to see pictures of people's desks with cords on them, so the port got put on the bottom so no one can use the mouse while it charges, and there can never be a pic of their desk with a cord on it. Stupidest reason in the fucking world.
As a hardware repair person I am pretty sure that the engineers compromised with this design to prevent the inevitable problem of idiots leaving the charge cable plugged in while using it and breaking the charge port before warranty is done.
Put the port on the side and your hand is touching it, and gunk from your fingers gets wedged into the port.
Plus people would still complain about the cable awkwardly sticking out of the side. There’s no winning, people just want to complain.
Good for you, Mr Prescriptivist, telling everyone else they're "doing it wrong".
You'd fit right in at Apple, since your way is the only way to do things.
Putting the charge port on the bottom is fucking dumb. Seriously fucking dumb.
I had a mouse 20 years ago that charged in a dock - that was 10x smarter than this fucking dumb shit.
This garbage is part of why I don't like to use Apple - you can do anything you want, so long as it's sanctioned by Apple's arrogant designers, and done their way.
(I have 2 ipads and an iPhone, and they're frustrating as hell to use for anything other than what/how Apple has dictated, because their supposed "intuitive" approach is anything but).
what if I need to use it with a device that it's not paired to yet?
If Apple put out some logic behind the reasoning for the port location perhaps the complaints would diminish.
I think the complaints are valid, as Apple is a design-focused company that usually puts the user first, both in hardware and software design. For whatever reason Apple just will not design a user-focused mouse and it's gone from being silly to downright illogical.
Yes, it’s such a beat-up. People don’t understand how important aesthetics is to Apple and I’m totally there for it. If you can’t stand the thought of needing to take a 10 min charge break to get through the next few hours (because you ignored the low battery warnings) buy a different mouse.
Or buy two, one charges while you use the other.