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Fediverse stuff Flipboard

๐Ÿ“ข Big News!

๐Ÿ“ข Big News!

Today, weโ€™re announcing that Flipboard is beginning to federate our publisher partner accounts in Brazil and expanding federation in Canada, Germany and the U.K.

Now, people in the fediverse can follow 150 newly federated publisher accounts and 2,000 topically curated Magazines about everything from politics and world news to sports and travel.

Read more in our announcement here:

For a full list of federated accounts to follow, visit the Flipboard directory:

Follow our Mastodon accounts in Brazil and Germany to discover Flipboard accounts to follow and keep up with the day's news:

And as always, tell us in the comments what you think!

#Flipboard #Federation #Fediverse #Germany #Deutschland #Brazil #Brasil #UnitedKingom #Ireland #Media #Journalism #News #Technology #Lifestyle #Sports

  • Your integration with the Fediverse has been a boon to us all!

  • But do they see what we say?

    • Hi Toni! We've asked our colleagues and in a situation where you are a non-Flipboard user commenting on a federated Flipboard publisher's post via a fediverse platform like Mastodon, they will be able to see and comment on your posts if they are logged in on the Flipboard app.

      That said, a lot of our publishers are doing their curation via Flipboard on the web, where they won't receive notifications about comments. In addition, many of them do the bulk of their curation (though not all) by RSS. So the real-world answer is it's technically possible! Hope that answers your question!

      • Good to hear that! You seem to be one of the few private companies in the #fediverse space doing federation โ€rightโ€.

        TBH I couldnโ€™t care less about these account duplication schemes.

        Good work! ๐Ÿซถ

  • #Canada

  • Hoffentlich gibt es hier dann auch bald supergut ausgewรคhlte deutsche Nachrichten!

  • I always try to follow #media and #journalists directly and I'm often annoyed at how many media still haven't made it here.
    Flipboard is not just an alternative, you do exactly the job well that they fail to do. The editorial offices could learn from you and finally create their decentralised/independent spaces.

    • Thanks so much Petra โ€” we also love to see newsrooms and journos developing their own independent voices here (that's why we pull together #NewstodonFriday every week!).

  • oooh, The Conversation UK! Fantastic, thank you!

  • ๐Ÿ‘

  • Congratulations!

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