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News from fediverse Stefano Marinelli

Good morning, #Fediverse !

Good morning, #Fediverse !
At the moment, I'm writing two e-mails. One is fine, the other is the second worst e-mail I've been writing this year.

  • @stefano good morning Stefano!

    “Should this second e-mail be ever sent, or stay in the drafts?”, that is the important question.
    The one we all fall into when the text carries negative feelings…

    at the end the rev88 of the text, being softened and edulcorated, ends up being sent to the outer world. Yet sometimes rev0.1-draft-unfinished-dontsend gets sent, but this is another story…

    • I've been delaying this for months. Now, it's time to send it, before it will be too late.
      I think I'll disclose the contents of this e-mail, but only when everything well be over or sorted out.