I let my players make checks: "what would my character know in this situation?" History roll. Me as DM: "your character would have gone to kindergarten and learned the number 2"
M is 1000 in Latin, or 8 if you convert from binary, which is 3+3+2, and as we all know 3 ~ π, so M is ~ 2+2π = 2(1+π), and we all know that π goes to 0, for small values of π, leaving us with M = 2. So, Fry was right.
@zaph@Stamets It should be "a bank." People make bank inquiries. Traditionally they have scales to measure precious materials. They of course guard treasure and precious things.
@zaph@Stamets ai just doesn't do those relations that well. It knows how riddles are supposed to look like, but I doubt it can do the mental leap between questions and answers
AI doesn't have a mind to do mental leaps, it only knows syntax. Just a form of syntax so, so advanced that it sometimes accidentally gets things factually correct. Sometimes.
I was guest-DMing. After 1 person hilariously failed a challenge that another player came up with a completely different solution, they were presented with a thick stone door. On the door was 5 markers. On each marker was a different symbol...a flame, a bolt of lightning, a snowflake, skull and another I cant recall maybe a star.
The person who hilariously failed the first challenge kept trying to push the markers with their bare hands, and each time I said "nothing happened", so she tried a different one, tried pushing it harder, tried pushing 2 at a time, tried hitting it with her weapon, which I asked if it was magical and she said so, then kept trying the same thing over and over again. She kept talking over everyone and I even think she said "this puzzle is stupid". I was seconds from scream "look at the symbols" when someone took a swing at it with their radiant sword that things started clicking into place in their heads. The dumb one then tried using a level 2 fire spell and I think let out an audible groan.
In advance I made sure all players had cantrips of these particular damage types while building this puzzle and she wants to use a level 2 spell. For reference she's an OP druid (because she cheats on all her rolls), has a higher AC than our barbarian and more HP than our paladin, yet considers herself "squishy" and stays in the back peaking out behind cover to shoot with a crossbow, and takes it as a personal attack that everyone hates her if any enemy does damage to her.