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What are you playing this weekend? 2023-07-21

Hello Everyone!

This week's post got a bit late due to some personal matters. Sorry about that. As for the games. I did not want to start any big game, and take care of some smaller games that I have been meaning to try for a while, ended up starting multiple games. 😢

  • I have moved The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom to a secondary game, so while I am going to play it here and there, I am not going to focus on it anymore.
  • Playing Carto, it's a beautiful, small, puzzle, indie game. If you have played the board game Carcassonne, you should love it. Basically, you have to solve puzzles by moving the map pieces around (and some other stuff). Highly recommended! It's a very small games, I have done about 60%, going to try to finish it this weekend.
  • I started New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe, have been meaning to play it since it released but there was always something else that I wanted to play first, but with Wonder releasing soon, finally started it. I have just cleared the first (Acorn) world. Loving the game and platforming, but not a huge fan of timer in each level. It's usually not a big deal, but when you are going slow, trying to find all secrets, it finished up pretty quickly.
  • Also started Fire Emblem (GBA version) on NSO, and I am enjoying it a lot more than Three Houses, the only other FE game I have played (playing, technically).
  • Finished The Order 1886. A wonderful game that still holds up really well, both gameplay and visuals. But it was too short. A sequel could've been great.

That's all from me. What about you guys? What have you been playing? And what are you planning to play this weekend and beyond? And how are you liking it?

  • Currently waiting for QOL updates for Techtonia, an underground factory game that just came out and is extremely tedious. But I managed to get PC Building Sim 75% off so I've been playing that along side mobile minecraft

  • I'm in full "Starfield waiting room mode". Between this and my job taking a large portion of my time I'm disinclined to fully invest in any game. I still spend a few of hours here and there, but it's less focused and more just 'dicking around'.

    • WoW solocraft server is something I've been meaning to get setup for awhile. I tend to be a solo WoW player and the leveling process draws me more than endgame. The server I run is passable, but a little jenky. The space bar causes you to jump when underwater, global cooldowns have a hiccup delay, pet aggro functions incorrectly, etc.
    • Xenoblade 2 has been on my list for awhile. For misc reasons I gave up on the game partway through in favor of watching the cutscenes movie-style. I still want to beat the game though. The game is complex and I've been trying to get advice on a methodology for playing the game's systems. Until I get that help though I merely dabble with the game and tiptoe forward.
    • Gregtech NH. It's been a hot minute since I've run a minecraft mod pack. A friend mentioned them and I figured I'd do a bit of research and find what people consider to be a good one. GTNH is not new, but apparently it has had a long time to cook and is balanced and developed.
    • BotW may not be the shiny new TotK, but it's what I have. I didn't 100% Tears, but I saw all the story content and beat it. My copy was borrowed so afterwards I returned it. Now BotW is all I have, but it's still fun and an excellent 'dicking around for an hour' kind of game.
    • I want to play Starfield so much! Don't have a PC that can play it though, so thinking about getting an Xbox. But going to wait a bit a few after release, to let them fix the bugs, and for a distant chance that it may actually come to PS5 (yeah, I know, never going to happen...).

  • Still on Trails into Reverie.

    I think I'm getting close to the end, finished Rean's Act 4 and now working on Lloyd's route. Game is a huge improvement over CS4 IMO, even though Lloyd's route is still too cheesy for my tastes.

    Also, I kinda like the idea of the Reverie Corridor.

    • Every time you mention Trails, you push me one step closer to buying Trails in the Sky SC.

      Good to know the games are getting better and better, and you are still enjoying it.

      Have fun!

      • Just to clarify, I though CS4 was one of the weakest game in the series, which is why I'm glad Reverie is a big improvement.

        But even the weaker games in the series are fun, I did play CS4 for 80h-ish hours and had a good time - it just felt like a significant downgrade after CS3 which was one of my favorites.

  • Paper Mario Origami King

    • Nice! How are you liking the game? I want to play the one available on NSO first, before getting the Origami King, but they are high on my list.

  • After 100 hours of The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, I decided to take a break. From the initial 4 temples, I am just missing the one in Gerudo, but I'm on my way there and done some quests in Gerudo. But as I've mentioned before, I know I'm going to be playing this game for a while. So I'll get back to it here and there too and get a few long sessions for specific things (the temple, more of the story, etc.) every now and then.

    I've been playing Pikmin 4 since Friday. I shared my initial impression on the other thread. I still agree with that after a few more hours, but it's been fun. I like that it's very relaxed and easy. Although the timer for the day keeps going, I don't have the pressure to finish in x amount of days like in Pikmin 3.

    I started New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe, have been meaning to play it since it released but there was always something else that I wanted to play first, but with Wonder releasing soon, finally started it.

    I've been thinking of doing this same thing 🤔

    • Yeah, I am about the same. Going to keep playing it, want to finish most of the side quests and get the armour pieces.

      Are you out of the tutorials time range? Or still getting them?

      Mario is pretty great. Really enjoying it, highly recommended.

      • I'm past the tutorials yes, it's just the first hour or so but it's really annoying. After that you do get some text from NPCs, but it's not as annoying. It's pretty relaxed and fun now!