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'This reeks of desperation': Internet mocks 'Donald McDonald' for fast food campaign stunt

I guess he thinks he's one upping Harris or something? Weird.

  • Did McDonald’s corporate agree to this political stunt? Or was it just one specific location that agreed for him to come in?

  • Rage and reaction .... it's the only thing he's got going for him at this point

    Just keep shit posting to the world and keep everyone talking about him in whatever context or situation ... it doesn't matter as long as we're talking about him.

    And we are .... the campaign is working ... expect more shitposting, stupidity and insanity in the weeks to come.

    Turnip may be dumb ... but we're all equally stupid for putting up with him and watching this dumpster fire and endlessly talking about it.

    And yes ... I am guilty of it all too.

    • You're right. Also, we have to pay attention to him because he's hit a critical mass of people willing to burn it all down on his say-so. Catch 22.

  • I would lose my appetite if I saw that bloated orange shit smelling fuckwit touching my food.

  • Donald is desperate to talk about Big Macs and Arnold's Palmer.