Please be advised that if you use the connect app, it doesn't always correctly parse links to lemmy posts. If they're not working for you, you can follow the whole plotline on my site. (These comics are in reverse chronological order, so start at the end and work backwards.)
Ah, but... Razira isn't very creative, she's normally very straightforward and direct. She's very much a "go with the flow" type normally... so for her to go out of her way to pick a place, it must be good! And besides she was so excited about it!
I definitely can't make one of these a day. I make about one comic a week normally in my spare time - and I try to avoid posting the same characters twice in a row in my webcomic (it's about a bunch of nerdy stuff, not just DnD)
This means that "Konsi Comics" tend to be made about once every 2 weeks...
I've been posting these from my archive - so this was written a while ago - the plotline will be complete before we run out on lemmy though.