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A third of Americans agree with Trump that immigrants ‘poison the blood’ of US

13% of Democrats agree with Trump on that.

What the actual fuck?

  • One third of Americans are fascists.

    Checks out.

    • I think it's probably important to find out why this is, rather than just wag the finger and move on. Because, if the trend continues the non fascists will be outnumbered. In fact, I would say that this is really saying that 1/3rd of Americans feel free enough to say this. There's a good chance there's a silent amount afraid to say their true thoughts.

      If it's just outside brainwashing, then investigate that. If there's a genuine root concern that is causing this attitude, see if it can be reasonably addressed. If it's just idiocracy happening, well then we're all screwed.

      • I would posit the opposite - if the trend continues, fascists will shrink further. You gotta remember, horrors of the past are not that long ago. Wasn't all that distant in our past when segregation had majority support, or blanket bans on nonwhite folk becoming naturalized citizens, or eugenics before that.

        If we beat them now, we can continue the next four years to fight to shrink the hold that fascist views have on our society still further.

  • Well, seeing as 1/3 of Americans are brainwashed by mass media into following whatever hype train is set forth by the rich, I can see that. If their favorite corporate owned and ran "news" told them they didn't need to eat, they would stop eating.

    America is home to racist morons, has been since July 4th, 1776. Most of the Founding Fathers owned slaves, and the Senate and Electoral College were established to ease the slave owners/states that their "property" would remain theirs.

    We've been a nation of hypocritical xenophobes who taught freedom and liberty while giving none of it to the majority, and every time we try to fix that they double down and make things worse. Not a single time has the US Government (or any government for that matter, but that's more a "whatabout" in this topic) given people what they wanted freely, and peacefully.

    If we wanted to get rid of brain dead morons, we would solved it in the Civil War and Reconstitution. Second chance was in the 1960s when we were breaking down the barriers. Instead we still placated to the racists because we didn't want to be too mean to the racist, sexist morons who started the mess in the first place.