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  • Goodwill is built on under paying it's labor. They take advantage of laws that allow them to pay disabled people whatever they want. The laws were meant to help provide labor, get disabled people back into a productive life, and provide some extra income so they weren't completely reliant on Social Security.

    That sounds noble right? Well Goodwill has been caught paying people less than a dollar an hour. And as you see here, they aren't giving discounts to the people who have to shop at a thrift store either.

    They're walking away with a massive upwards redistribution of wealth from the lower classes to the upper classes. Also I expect someone will be along soon to yell at me, (a disabled person), about the dignity of work and how no one else is providing it. Also in this picture, the meat packing industry which has been caught using mentally disabled people for less than minimum pay in dangerous conditions.

    • Hi, I'm disabled although I'm still working (at the moment, may break further). I agree with you.

      The biggest issue to consider for any company hiring a significantly disabled person, whether mentally, physically, or both, is they'll be less productive and may require much more oversight, meaning they contribute less to the company. This is the justification behind the lower pay. It makes sense if you're a shit sack capitalist that values production above anything else.

      With that being said, Goodwill is absolutely taking advantage of the disabled. They're ostensibly a non-profit charity that exists to provide employment, leading to training and work experience, to the disabled community. They pay their disabled employees the lowest amount possible, actively working to justify low pay. Imagine if your employer was constantly looking to drop your salary so you had to constantly fight them over it. Now pretend you have a significant TBI or are developmentally disabled (just imagine your mental capacity while drunk, but without the feeling good) and still having to fight that. Welcome working for Goodwill.

      Fuck Goodwill right in their "charity" hole.

  • Thank you for purchasing all these donated goods that we paid nothing to buy. Your purchase makes our job programme possible.

    Do you want to round up to the nearest dollar on your purchase of donated goods, in order to donate to our job programme that you've already donated to?

    ... um... ... No?...

    Edit: jokes aside, goodwill does do good for the community. I'm sure they've raised their prices in line with other price hikes, but I don't think that negates the good they still do. $35 US for a used coat they received as a free donation, IMO, is a bit excessive, but I can't blame them for trying to squeeze more out of their stock, since they do turn around and pour most of that back into the community.

  • Oh poor baby

    Seriously though you should look at the price of that thing when it was new. Some of those coats go for hundreds of dollars. Goodwill is raising money for the people they support. They also have a lot of overhead costs do to there large size. If you want to see the numbers you can pull up there tax records. No one is forcing you to go to goodwill.