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Weekly thread - which shows have you watched, which ones do you recommend?

  • Started rewatching "the Americans". Not sure why but it's great even after the first watch

  • Carol and the End of the World is a show I just started and I seem to like it so far. I'm not sure how I didn't hear about it. The animation style seems similar to others on Netflix but I can't put my finger on what shows specifically.

    I also watched all of From. It was okay but really gave me typical Netflix drama vibes. Like Dark and Yellowjackets. I don't mind it. I'm kind of just along for the ride but twists and plot progression feel kind of forced or awkward. It's a bit hard to explain

  • Finished Warehouse 13. Not unwatchable, definitely light-headed, shallow entertainment. There's a beginning and an end, nothing will break your appetite... Also not a hidden treasure or some sort if niche fabulous thing that only the true believers know about. Decent show from a period where scyfy was a thing.

  • Teacup - i have gripes about it but it's fulfilling my horror/scifi cravings well enough, i think it is based on a book but i haven't read it (yet) so i have no idea how it compares. also a bit worried that maybe this won't all wrap up tidily by the end of season and might get the axe so i will have to pick up the book if i want a conclusion anyway.

    The Penguin - worth watching just for the performances alone tbh, quality entertainment.

    Ludwig - i am liking it so far but it makes me very sleepy so each episode takes me about 3 days to get through.

    The Devil's Hour - just started the new season of this (which i had no idea was even coming). i still don't know if i like it but i do keep watching it so i must like something about it. maybe it's just Peter Capaldi luring me in. won't say too much about it because spoilers but if you like twisty-turny stuff maybe give it a go.