Now, are the internal organs of an eel in its tail, looping around to the butt. Or are they all more or less in the head and the tail is just muscles and bone?
The tail is where the electric organs are The rest of the guts and stuff are all in the torso
*electric eel. Electric eels are not eels.
My all-time favorite fish is the ropefish. Just look how happy they are!
Silly creature
Adorbs, but can't hold a candle to the garden eel. Mostly because they both live underwater.
🎶 When a mouth opens wide, and there's more mouths inside that's a moray~🎶
Should do legless lizard as well, i learned that to identify this creature i need to find their butthole.
So finally Have You Checked Your Butthole is the actual correct answer?
Skeedup baddup
Glass lizards have external ears. Easier to spot those right behind the jaw. Their body/head segment is pretty distinctive once you've seen a bunch side by side. At first it's difficult, but with a little practice they become easy to distinguish, like Alligator vs Crocodile.
This diagram is still a better love story than Twilight
It looks like other eels don't necessarily follow the mostly tail body plan of electric eels; morays seem to be less than 50% tail by length
that would be because electric eels are fish, not eels.
On my phone but see phylogeny
This order is more closely related to catfish.
Catfished again!
So this explains her:
Juna and her MASSIVE butt.
strange creatures
Immediately thought of this. 👍
Why is the head part of the torso?
Probably because they evolved that way