Yates, Yardley and Thatcher sounds like names a british gammon would give his dogs. Only one missing is Winston, and that might just be because it's such a stereotype.
If you ever have to talk about or to her dog call/refer to it as "Vincent" and really push the French pronunciation. "Hes french! You ever hear of a French person named winston? Fucking racist. Its pronunced Vin-SSSon "
I wanted to name one of them Fidel, but I liked the theme and if you're going to name a pet Fidel, then I feel like it's better suited for a dog or a bearded dragon. Lenin would be a parrot.
That cat could be dressed like anyone, completely incidental. Your honor I move to strike the picture of the cat dressed as Fi- Uh as an caribbean revolutionairy- uh dressed in military fatigues from the court records