Mini-project for better linking to Lemmy communities outside of Lemmy
Mini-project for better linking to Lemmy communities outside of Lemmy
A redirect service for Lemmy communities which allows users to set their preferred instance. - GitHub - RikudouSage/ A redirect service for Lemmy communities which allows users to s...
![GitHub - RikudouSage/ A redirect service for Lemmy communities which allows users to set their preferred instance.](
Due to the federated nature of Lemmy there's one small problem: if you link to a community (let's say the link takes people out of their instance.
On Lemmy it can be solved easily - use ! and the community opens on their own instance.
But the problem still exists outside Lemmy, let's say you write a blog post and link to some community - people who already use Lemmy will again be taken out of their instance.
And to solve this I created this project, available on and (both are the exact same app).
Instead of you link to and you're greeted with this:
![A page letting you choose whether you want to continue to the link or set your home instance first](
You can either continue directly if you don't care, or you can set your home instance and afterwards every link at will automatically be redirected to your preferred instance (with a small countdown allowing you to change your instance):
![A page with a redirect to the target community](
If enough people start linking using this service, it will greatly improve the experience for Lemmy users!
Let me know what you think!
Edit: Source code is here: