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Trans Megathread for the Week of 10/14 to 10/20

(i ripped this off wikipedia real fast so sorry if it's lib)

In October 1776, the Public Universal Friend contracted an epidemic disease and was bedridden and near death with a high fever. Their family summoned a doctor from Attleboro, six miles away, and neighbors kept up a death-watch at night. The fever broke after several days. The Friend later reported that [deadname redacted] had died, receiving revelations from God through two archangels who proclaimed there was "Room, Room, Room, in the many Mansions of eternal glory for Thee and for everyone". The Friend further said that [deadname redacted]'s soul had ascended to heaven and the body had been reanimated with a new spirit charged by God with preaching his word, that of the "Publick Universal Friend", describing that name in the words of Isaiah 62:2 as "a new name which the mouth of the Lord hath named".

From that time on, the Friend refused to answer to their deadname, ignoring or chastising those who insisted on using it. When visitors asked if it was the name of the person they were addressing, the Friend simply quoted Luke 23:3 ("thou sayest it").  Identifying as neither male nor female, the Friend asked not to be referred to with gendered pronouns. Followers respected these wishes; they referred only to "the Public Universal Friend" or short forms such as "the Friend" or "P.U.F.", and many avoided gender-specific pronouns even in private diaries. When someone asked if the Friend was male or female, the preacher replied "I am that I am", saying the same thing to a man who criticized the Friend's manner of dress (adding, in the latter case, "there is nothing indecent or improper in my dress or appearance; I am not accountable to mortals").

editorial note: I think this is a very cool story and I really love hearing it. We've been around forever and we've been doing variations of this forever. It's really beautiful

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Here is a screenshot of where to find the spoiler button.

  • hi, does anyone wanna make the mega in the upcoming weeks? if so, reply to this post and i'll add you to the list!

    the list as it stands:

            Thallo (10/21 - 10/27)
        GenderIsOpSec (10/28 - 11/3)
        TheChemist (11/4 - 11/10)
        oscardejarjayes* (11/11 - 11/17)
        HelltakerHomosexual* (11/18 - 11/24)
        GayTuckerCarlson* (11/25 - 12/1)
        Luna* (12/2 - 12/8)
        Eco* (12/9 - 12/15)

    ​ * after name denotes someone who has posted before and will be skipped by first-time posters

  • I volunteered for a task at work that requires me record myself.

    I have to say, "This is MR. [Dead name]" at the beginning of each recording. Then I have to hear my voice when reviewing the recordings.

    Is this self harm? It's probably self harm

  • "there is nothing indecent or improper in my dress or appearance; I am not accountable to mortals"

    The Friend is definitely near the top of the list of "dope historical figures I'd want to go hang out with if I had a time machine"

  • Listening to a guy rattle off paragraphs about his favourite slop, nodding along and agreeing, and then right when he's done, dismissing the entire thing because the slop is misogynistic as fuck

    The stupid "buzzkill feminist" thing was actually invented for me.

  • My hair is the longest that it's ever been in my life, but I seem to be getting to a point where I'll need to purchase some better-fitting shower caps.

  • Really shook up the status quo tonight, came out to a long time friend. First time telling someone other then you all.

    It went well, he is supportive and reminded me he's my friend. Asked what pronouns I'd want around other friends too, which I forgot to bring up.

    I never like change, I am very fearful about this one, but it is actually going okay so far. Thank you to all the mega posters, I would not be where I am without you

  • The Friend's theology was broadly similar to that of most Quakers. The Friend stressed free will, opposed slavery,

    and supported sexual abstinence.

    volcel Friend?

  • sometimes this site is exhausting tbh. why is it that people here love armchair moralizing about other peoples’ decisions that don’t affect them (this is about the “eating slop” thread but i see it elsewhere too) without maybe considering that disabled people exist under capitalism too. i almost want to report that thread for ableism tbh.

  • coworker: you never respond to me

    me: when have I ever ignored you?

    coworker: yesterday I asked you three things and all you said was "I'm sleepy"

    I don't even remember that

  • My little sister fretted about turning 18, she thought she was gonna be too old. She wanted to look like a teenager forever, which... ugh I know she just was but personally when I was that age it was a relief to finally be an adult and get out from being told what to do all the time

    Reminded me of the young twinks lamenting their twink death at 19 lol

  • come out at work on the 31st, telling everyone that my halloween costume is a woman

    just keep doing it for the rest of my employment there

    chat i think i found the best way to come out at work

  • Hate that it feels like you have to walk on eggshells around so many cis people. You never know who is gonna take it as a deep personal insult if you politely request them not to say certain things.

  • I'm trying to learn German but whenever i check a German news site, the entire front page is bombarded with "terror-group Hamas attacks peaceful Israeli citizens."

    It's fucking excruciating.

  • I'm down to talk for about an hour before I go to bed

    Length of call: 3 hours, 34 minutes

    I can genuinely only talk for about 30 minutes tonight because it's late

    Length of call: 1 hour, 32 minutes

    (When I pointed out that we're past 30 minutes, she said she doesn't mind staying up a bit longer so we continued talking)

    I can talk for about an hour before bed

    Length of call: 3 hours, 3 minutes

    (This was tonight)

    I really enjoy talking with her. She makes me feel understood.

  • ::: spoiler sad

    ::: spoiler Very very sad

    ::: spoiler Very very lonely

    ::: spoiler Want to talk so desperately

    ::: spoiler But cannot be vulnerable

    ::: spoiler People hurting hurts me

    ::: spoiler Im surrounded by hurt people

    ::: spoiler Im also a hurt person

    ::: spoiler I want to be taken care of

    ::: spoiler I want to take care of those im close to

    ::: spoiler I just want to be held

    ::: spoiler And told everything is ok.

    ::: spoiler Even if its just for a night, or even just a few minutes, I want to know that its ok.

    ::: spoiler I want to feel loved

    ::: spoiler I am loved

    ::: spoiler I just cant feel it.

    ::: spoiler I can never feel it.

    ::: spoiler I can love.

    ::: spoiler But no matter how much someone loves me, i can never feel it.

    ::: spoiler Im alienated from my self and my feelings of love.

    ::: spoiler Do i even love anymore?

    ::: spoiler or do i just chase ghosts?

    ::: spoiler I havent had friends last more than a year, maybe two.

    ::: spoiler Now im coming up on the time to leave again.

    ::: spoiler Everyone always leaves me

    ::: spoiler So i try to leave first.

    ::: spoiler I got close to them.

    ::: spoiler It was a mistake.

    ::: spoiler because now i dont want to leave.

    ::: spoiler but i have to.

    ::: spoiler its not safe to be close to people

    ::: spoiler its safest alone

    ::: spoiler but alone is lonely

    ::: spoiler i just cant find people who want to hear about my experience of life.

    ::: spoiler except i can

    ::: spoiler i just dont want to be close to them once they care about me

    ::: spoiler because it isnt safe anymore

    ::: spoiler i know its not real,

    ::: spoiler but everyone leaves

    ::: spoiler so i have to leave first.

    That way i dont get hurt.


  • I love you all genuinely. I cherish reading about your lives—your hobbies, your concerns, and everything that matters to you. Please know how much you are appreciated.

  • Saw my favorite transfem artist perform today, and she taught the audience a powerful trick. Whenever you ever get misgendered as “he,” witches cackle HEHEHEHHEHEHE at them.