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  • They’re straight up gaslighting!


    Yes. The creator will need to pay for all future installs. The reason is that Unity doesn’t receive end-player information, just aggregate data.


    We are not going to charge a fee for reinstalls. The spirit of this program is and has always been to charge for the first install and we have no desire to charge for the same person doing ongoing installs.

    • Someone tell them they can achieve the latter much more effectively if they simply charge once FOR EACH COPY SOLD.

      Hmmm... but then what about humble bundle sales or freemium games? Maybe the charge should change depending on the price of the game...

      OH WAIT THAT'S REVENUE SHARE. Seriusly this whole thing is just an attempt at taking more money than devs would be willing to pay, by using a model without an up front percentage.

    • kind of hard to gaslight when hundreds of news sites already have copies of the thing you said before published