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How do I... Do court? I didn't realize my license was expired and got pulled over. Now I have court tomorrow.

I know the obvious of being polite and respectful. do I show up early like an airport? Do I just show the guard my ticket? Anything I should know or be aware of?

  • I'm a bit late, but I used to testify in DUI cases and have sat through many court sessions.

    First, you didn't commit a crime, you made an oopsie. Don't stress out too much, a lot of people just don't show up, you're a light in the dark for just showing up.

    Wear nice clothes, put together the best you can with what you have, don't go buy a suit for traffic court. Slacks and a collared shirt (no visible holes or worn spots) is typically enough, especially if you're living paycheck to paycheck. Save your money for fixing the situation, not looking nice. Looking nice does help and shows respect to the court (judge) but trying to fix things on your own without them intervening makes you look even better.

    Explain that you made a mistake and accidentally let it lapse. Talk to the public defender if you can. They are overloaded with cases but will help, court proceedings and the language they can use is confusing.

    Try to make amends now, renew your license, sign up for whatever you need to sign up for, if you can't afford to renew let the judge know that you're walking/biking/bussing to work until you can afford to renew/sign up/etc. Ask the court for mercy since you have a clean record to the best of your knowledge and are already taking steps to remedy the situation.

    Be very nice, the judge is the law in their courtroom, the only person with more power is the court stenographer because they get to correct the judge.

    Bring receipts or any proof that you have of what you're doing.

    As many have said DO NOT DRIVE YOURSELF TO COURT.

  • Find out what level offense this is in your state. Likely is not a crime (misdemeanor or felony) but a violation for the first offense.

    If it is a misdemeanor, get a public defender and ask for a plea to a lesser charge.

    There is likely a standard plea offer for all similarly situated charges/defendants. It may change depending on whether you have renewed your license. If that’s the case you can ask for additional time to renew. That will buy you another court date but give you a chance to get a better resolution if you fix the issue.

    Dress like you would for church or a job interview.

    Make sure your cellphone is on silent (and if you think it could ring by accident just turn your phone off when in court)

    *The process in your local area will vary